JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of “.class” files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access to methods and fields.
JD-GUI is free for non-commercial use. This means that JD-GUI shall not be included or embedded into commercial software products. Nevertheless, this project may be freely used for personal needs in a commercial or non-commercial environments.
0.3.2 20 Mar 2010
Added an outline view in the navigation trees.
Added an outline view popup window.
Improvement of enlightenment of fields and methods from search results.
Improvement of hyperlinks on the log pages.
Improvement of tab names.
OSX: Fixed bug on "Info.plist" file.
OSX: DnD to docked JD-GUI icon works.
OSX: Optimisation of tree font.
Linux: Optimisation of tree font.
Added hyperlink on "Premain-Class' in "MANIFEST.MF".
Limitation of depth of automatic folder exploration.
Fixed bug on octal and unicode representation of characters.
Added capability to escape unicode characters.
Improvement of history management.
JD-GUI includes JD-Core 0.5.4.