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[OllyDbg 2.x Plugin] od(ollydbg) v2.01 (27-Sep-2013) cmdbar(Cmdline) 汇编源码(source)

阿雅Ayala 发表于 2017-1-27 17:38
本帖最后由 阿雅Ayala 于 2017-1-27 17:40 编辑

为了支持od改名使用了动态获取函数名的方式 禁止转载

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码

	gcmdlist 	label 	t_command	;
						t_command <$CTW0("D"),	 	$CTW0("A"),	0,				offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump at Address")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DUMP"),	$CTW0("A"),	0,				offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump at Address")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DA"),	 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_DISASM,	offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump as Disassembly")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DB"),	 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_HEXA16,	offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump in Hex byte format")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DC"),	 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_ASC64,		offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump in Ascii format")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DD"),	 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_ADDR,		offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump in Stack format")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DU"),	 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_UNI64,		offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump in Unicode format")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DW"),	 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_IHEX16,	offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump in Hex word format")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DFF"), 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_FLOAT32,	offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump in 32-bit floats")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DFD"), 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_FLOAT64,	offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump in 64-bit floats")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DFT"), 	$CTW0("a"),	DUMP_FLOAT80,	offset subDumpcmd,	$CTW0("Dump in 80-bit floats")>
						t_command <$CTW0("DT"),		$CTW0("AS"),DUMP_DECODE,	offset subDumpStruc,$CTW0("Dump as structure")>
						t_command <$CTW0("ORIG"),	$CTW0(""),	0,				offset subDorigin,	$CTW0("Disassemble at EIP")>
						t_command <$CTW0("*"),	 	$CTW0(""),	0,				offset subDorigin,	$CTW0("Disassemble at EIP")>
						t_command <$CTW0("STK"), 	$CTW0("A"),	0,				offset subStakcmd,	$CTW0("Go to address in stack")>
						t_command <$CTW0("AT"),	 	$CTW0("A"),	0,				offset subDasmcmd,	$CTW0("Disassemble at address")>
						t_command <$CTW0("FOLLOW"),	$CTW0("A"),	0,				offset subDasmcmd,	$CTW0("Disassemble at address")>
						t_command <$CTW0("BP"),		$CTW0("AS"),BP_MANUAL,		offset subBreakpt,	$CTW0("int3 [,condition] breakpoint")>
						t_command <$CTW0("BC"),		$CTW0("A"),	0,				offset subDelbpt,	$CTW0("Delete int3 breakpoint")>
						t_command <$CTW0("MR"),		$CTW0("Av"),BP_MR,			offset subMembkpt,	$CTW0("Memory breakpt on access")>
						t_command <$CTW0("MW"),		$CTW0("Av"),BP_MW,			offset subMembkpt,	$CTW0("Memory breakpt on write")>
						t_command <$CTW0("ME"),		$CTW0("Av"),BP_ME,			offset subMembkpt,	$CTW0("Memory breakpt on execute")>
						t_command <$CTW0("MRWE"),	$CTW0("Av"),BP_MRWE,		offset subMembkpt,	$CTW0("Memory breakpt on R.W.E")>
						t_command <$CTW0("MD"),		$CTW0("Av"),0,				offset subMembkpt,	$CTW0("Remove memory breakpoint")>
						t_command <$CTW0("HR"),		$CTW0("A"),	BP_HR,			offset subHwbreak,	$CTW0("HW break on access")>
						t_command <$CTW0("HW"),		$CTW0("A"),	BP_HW,			offset subHwbreak,	$CTW0("HW break on write")>
						t_command <$CTW0("HE"),		$CTW0("A"),	BP_HE,			offset subHwbreak,	$CTW0("HW break on execute")>
						t_command <$CTW0("HD"),		$CTW0("a"),	0,				offset subHwbreak,	$CTW0("Remove HW breakpoint")>
						t_command <$CTW0("OPEN"),	$CTW0("S"),	0,				offset subOpenexe,	$CTW0("Open a execute file")>
						t_command <$CTW0("ATT"),	$CTW0("L"),	0,				offset subAttach,	$CTW0("Attach a process")>
						t_command <$CTW0("ATTACH"),	$CTW0("L"),	0,				offset subAttach,	$CTW0("Attach a process")>
						t_command <$CTW0("?"),		$CTW0("V"),	0,				offset subExpress,	$CTW0("Estimate expression")>
						t_command <$CTW0("CALC"),	$CTW0("V"),	0,				offset subExpress,	$CTW0("Estimate expression")>
						t_command <$CTW0("W"),		$CTW0("S"),	0,				offset subWatch,	$CTW0("Add watch expression")>
						t_command <$CTW0("WATCH"),	$CTW0("S"),	0,				offset subWatch,	$CTW0("Add watch expression")>
						t_command <$CTW0("EB"),		$CTW0("AL"),1,				offset subMemEdit,	$CTW0("memory edit byte")>
						t_command <$CTW0("EW"),		$CTW0("AL"),2,				offset subMemEdit,	$CTW0("memory edit word")>
						t_command <$CTW0("ED"),		$CTW0("AL"),4,				offset subMemEdit,	$CTW0("memory edit dword")>
						t_command <$CTW0("EQ"),		$CTW0("AL"),8,				offset subMemEdit,	$CTW0("memory edit qword")>
						t_command <$CTW0("EFF"),	$CTW0("AL"),1004h,			offset subMemEdit,	$CTW0("memory edit float")>
						t_command <$CTW0("EFD"),	$CTW0("AL"),1008h,			offset subMemEdit,	$CTW0("memory edit double")>
						t_command <$CTW0("EFT"),	$CTW0("AL"),100Ah,			offset subMemEdit,	$CTW0("memory edit long double")>
						t_command <$CTW0("R"),		$CTW0("RL"),0,				offset subRegEdit,	$CTW0("reg edit ")>
	gcmdlistEnd			t_command <0,0,0,0,0>

g_g label byte	
	gaddress 			dd ?				;Operands A/a (address expression)
	gn					dd ?				;Operands N/n (count)
	glval				t_result <>			;Operand  L   (lvalue address)
	gval				t_result <>			;Operands V/v (expression)
	grval				t_result <>			;Operands R (reg expression)
	gstr				dw MAX_PATH dup(?)	;Operand  S (any string)
	gcmd				dw MAX_PATH dup(?)	;Command  (uppercase)
g_glength equ $ - offset g_g	
	gaddr EQU gaddress
comment #
static wchar_t      cmd[TEXTLEN];         // Command  (uppercase)
static ulong     address;              // Operands A/a (address expression)
static t_result  lvalue;               // Operand  L   (lvalue address)
static t_result  value;                // Operands V/v (expression)
static wchar_t      string[TEXTLEN];      // Operand  S   (any string)
static int       count;                // Operands N/n (count)


subMemEdit proc answer,parm
	mov eax,parm
	.if eax == 1008h
		fld glval.f
		fstp qword ptr glval._data
	.elseif eax == 1004h
		fld glval.f
		fstp dword ptr glval._data
	and eax,0Fh
	invoke Writememory,addr glval._data,gaddr,eax,MM_SILENT or MM_REMOVEINT3 or MM_ADJUSTINT3
	.if !eax
		invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Unable to modify memory")
		mov eax,-1
		jmp done
	invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
	xor eax,eax
subMemEdit endp

subRegEdit proc uses esi answer,parm
	invoke Getcputhreadid
	invoke Findthread,eax
	mov esi,eax
	assume esi:ptr t_thread
	.if !esi || ![esi].regvalid
		invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Unable to modify register")
		mov eax,-1
		jmp done
	.if !([esi].reg.status & RV_USERMOD)
		invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr [esi].oldreg,addr [esi].reg,sizeof t_reg
		or [esi].reg.status,RV_USERMOD
	mov ecx,grval.lvaladdr
	mov eax,grval.lvaltype
	.if 	eax == EXPR_BYTE
		mov al,glval._data
		.if ecx>=4
			sub ecx,4
			shl ecx,2
			inc ecx
			shl ecx,2	
		mov byte ptr [esi].reg.r[ecx],al
	.elseif eax == EXPR_WORD
		mov ax,glval.w
		mov word ptr [esi].reg.r[ecx*4],ax
	.elseif eax == EXPR_DWORD
		.if glval.datatype==EXPR_DWORD
			mov eax,glval.u
			push eax
			fld glval.f
			fstp dword ptr [esp]
			pop eax
		mov [esi].reg.r[ecx*4],eax
	.elseif eax == EXPR_FLOAT10
		imul ecx,ecx,sizeof tbyte
		fld glval.f
		fstp [esi].reg.f[ecx]
	or [esi].reg.status,RV_MODIFIED
	invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
	xor eax,eax
	assume esi:nothing
subRegEdit endp

subDumpStruc proc uses esi answer,parm
	.if word ptr gstr[0*2]==0
		invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("..........")
		jmp done
	invoke Getstructureitemcount,offset gstr,addr _count
	.if !eax
		invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Undefined Structure: %s"),offset gstr
	invoke wsprintfW,addr _title,$CTW0("Structure %s at "),offset gstr
	mov ecx,TEXTLEN
	sub ecx,eax
	lea eax,_title[eax*2]
	invoke Decodeaddress,gaddr,0,20400h,eax,ecx,0
	invoke Createdumpwindow,addr _title,gaddr,_count,0,parm,gaddr,gaddr,offset gstr

	xor eax,eax
subDumpStruc endp

subWatch proc uses esi answer,parm
	LOCAL w:t_watch
	mov esi,watch
	assume esi:ptr t_table
	mov ecx,[esi].sorted.n
	.if ecx<[esi].sorted.nmax && word ptr [gstr]!=0
		dec ecx
		mov w._index,ecx
		mov w._size,1
		mov w._type,0
		invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr w._expr,offset gstr,TEXTLEN
		invoke Addsorteddata,addr [esi].sorted,addr w
		mov eax,[esi].sorted.selected
		lea edx,[eax+1]
		invoke Maketableareavisible,esi,-1,0,eax,0,edx
		mov edx,hwollymain
		invoke SendMessageW,[edx],WM_COMMAND,8A0h,0
	assume esi:nothing
	xor eax,eax
subWatch endp

subExpress proc answer,parm
	invoke wsprintfW,answer,addr gval.value
	xor eax,eax
subExpress endp

subOpenexe proc answer,parm
	.if word ptr gstr!=0
		invoke OpenExecfile,offset gstr,0,0
	xor eax,eax
subOpenexe endp

subAttach proc answer,parm
	.if glval.datatype ==EXPR_DWORD
		invoke AttachProcess,glval.l
		invoke Setstatus,STAT_ATTACHING
		invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
	xor eax,eax
subAttach endp

subHwbreak proc uses ebx esi edi answer,parm
	mov ebx,bphard
	assume ebx:ptr t_table
	or index,-1
	.if [ebx].sorted.n>0
		mov esi,[ebx].sorted.data
		assume esi:ptr t_bphard
		xor eax,eax
			mov edx,[esi]._addr
			mov ecx,[esi].index
			.if ecx!=-1 && edx==gaddr
				mov index,ecx
			add esi,[ebx].sorted.itemsize
			inc eax
		.until eax>=[ebx].sorted.n
		assume esi:nothing

	.if parm==0 
		.if index!=-1
			invoke Removehardbreakpoint,index
		jmp done
	.if index!=-1
		mov eax,(t_bphard ptr [esi])._type
		.if eax==parm
			invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("HW breakpoint already set slot %d"),index
			jmp done
	invoke Findfreehardbreakslot,parm
	mov index,eax
	.if eax < 0 
		invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("No enough slot for HW breakpoint")
		jmp done
	invoke Sethardbreakpoint,index,1,parm,0,gaddr,0,0,0,0,0,0
	.if eax
		invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Slot %d Unable to set HW breakpoint"),index
		jmp done
	assume ebx:nothing
	xor eax,eax
subHwbreak endp

subMembkpt proc answer,parm
	.if !parm
		invoke Enablemembreakpoint,gaddr,FALSE
		xor eax,eax
		jmp done
	.if gval.datatype==EXPR_INVALID
		mov eax,1				;none
		.if gval.datatype!=EXPR_DWORD
			invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Integer expression expected")
			mov eax,-1
			jmp done
		mov eax,gval.u
		.if eax
			.if eax<=10000h
				nop				;value
			.elseif eax>gaddr
				sub eax,gaddr	;address
				invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Invalid memory range %d"),eax
				mov eax,-1
				jmp done
	invoke Setmembreakpoint,gaddr,eax,parm,0,0,0,0,0
	.if eax
		invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Unable to set breakpoint %08X"),gaddr
		mov eax,-1
		invoke Enablemembreakpoint,gaddr,TRUE
		xor eax,eax
subMembkpt endp

subBreakpt proc answer,parm
	mov ecx,offset gstr
	.if word ptr [ecx]!=0
		lea edx,cond
			mov ax,[ecx]
			mov [edx],ax
			add ecx,2
			add edx,2
		.until !ax
		lea ecx,cond
		mov eax,parm
		mov eax,parm
		xor ecx,ecx	
		or eax,BP_BREAK
	invoke Setint3breakpoint,gaddress,eax,0,0,0,0,ecx,offset gString,offset gstr
	invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
	xor eax,eax
subBreakpt endp

subDelbpt proc answer,parm
	invoke Removeint3breakpoint,gaddr,BP_MANUAL
	invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
	xor eax,eax
subDelbpt endp

subDumpcmd proc answer,parm
	invoke Setcpu,0,0,gaddress,0,0,CPU_DUMPHIST or CPU_DUMPFIRST or CPU_DUMPFOCUS
	mov ecx,parm
	.if ecx
		invoke Getcpudumpdump
		invoke Setdumptype,eax,ecx
	xor eax,eax
subDumpcmd endp

subStakcmd proc answer,parm
  	invoke Setcpu,0,0,0,0,gaddress,CPU_DUMPHIST or CPU_DUMPFIRST or CPU_DUMPFOCUS
  	xor eax,eax
subStakcmd endp

subDorigin proc answer,parm
	invoke Getcputhreadid
	invoke Findthread,eax
	.if eax
		assume eax:ptr t_thread
		invoke Setcpu,0,[eax].context._Eip,0,0,0,CPU_ASMHIST or CPU_ASMCENTER
		invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
		assume eax:nothing
	xor eax,eax
subDorigin endp

subDasmcmd proc answer,parm
	invoke Setcpu,0,gaddress,0,0,0,CPU_ASMHIST or CPU_ASMCENTER
	xor eax,eax
subDasmcmd endp

	gnhist		  		dd 0
	ghistory			  dw MAX_HIST*MAX_PATH dup(?)
	ghistoryEnd		label word

addline proc uses esi edi ebx cmd
	mov esi,cmd
	.if !esi
		jmp done
	.if word ptr [esi]==0
		mov gnhist,0
		invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,offset gString
		;Remove identical strings from the history.
		mov eax,gnhist
		imul eax,eax,MAX_PATH*2
		mov edi,offset ghistory
		add edi,eax
		mov ebx,edi
			sub edi,MAX_PATH*2
			invoke lstrcmpiW,edi,esi
			.if !eax
				mov eax,edi
				add eax,MAX_PATH*2
				mov ecx,ebx
				sub ecx,eax
				invoke RtlMoveMemory,edi,eax,ecx
				sub ebx,MAX_PATH*2
				dec gnhist
		.until edi<= offset ghistory
		;Insert new string.
		.if gnhist>=MAX_HIST
			mov gnhist,MAX_HIST - 1
		mov edi,offset ghistory
		mov ecx,gnhist
		.if ecx
			imul ecx,ecx,MAX_PATH*2
			mov eax,edi
			add eax,MAX_PATH*2
			invoke RtlMoveMemory,eax,edi,ecx
		invoke RtlMoveMemory,edi,esi,MAX_PATH*2
		inc gnhist
	;Copy history to combobox.
	invoke SendMessageW,ghComboBox,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,0
	xor ebx,ebx
		invoke SendMessageW,ghComboBox,CB_ADDSTRING,0,edi
		inc ebx
		add edi,MAX_PATH*2
	.until ebx>=gnhist
	.if gnhist > 0
		invoke SetWindowTextW,ghComboBox,esi
		invoke SendMessageW,ghComboBox,CB_SETEDITSEL,0,MAX_PATH
addline endp

showinfo proc uses esi edi ebx cmd
	invoke crt_malloc,4
	mov p,eax
	mov esi,cmd
	.if word ptr [esi]==0
		invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,offset gString
		jmp done
	xor ebx,ebx
	lea ecx,lpcmd
		mov ax,[esi][ebx*2]
		mov [ecx][ebx*2],ax
		inc ebx
	.until !ax
	dec ebx
	mov len,ebx
	mov ax,[ecx]
	.if ax>="0" && ax<="9"
		mov eax,ecx
		invoke crt_wcschr,ecx,20h; " "
	xor ebx,ebx
	.if eax
		mov word ptr [eax],0
		mov edi,offset gcmdlist
		assume edi:ptr t_command
			invoke lstrcmpiW,addr lpcmd,[edi].cmd
			.if !eax
				lea eax,[ebx*4+4]
				invoke crt_realloc,p,eax
				mov p,eax
				mov [eax][ebx*4],edi
				inc ebx
			add edi,sizeof t_command
		.until edi>=offset gcmdlistEnd
		mov edi,offset gcmdlist
			invoke crt__wcsnicmp,esi,[edi].cmd,len
			.if !eax
				lea eax,[ebx*4+4]
				invoke crt_realloc,p,eax
				mov p,eax
				mov [eax][ebx*4],edi
				inc ebx
			add edi,sizeof t_command
		.until edi>=offset gcmdlistEnd
		assume edi:nothing
	.if ebx>1
		invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr lpString,MAX_PATH*2
 		lea edi,lpString
 		mov esi,p
 		xor ecx,ecx
	 		mov eax,[esi][ecx*4]
	 		assume eax:ptr t_command
			mov eax,[eax].cmd
		 		mov dx,word ptr [eax]
				mov [edi],dx
				add eax,2
				add edi,2	 		
	 		.until dx==0
			mov word ptr [edi-2],20h 		
	 		assume eax:nothing
	 		inc ecx
	 		mov eax,edi
	 		lea edx,lpString
	 		sub eax,edx
 		.until ecx>=ebx || eax>=200h
 		mov word ptr [edi],0
 		invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,addr lpString
	.elseif ebx==1
		lea edi,lpcmd
		invoke RtlZeroMemory,edi,MAX_PATH*2
		mov esi,p
		mov esi,[esi][0*4]
		assume esi:ptr t_command
		xor ebx,ebx
		.while 1
			mov ecx,[esi].args
			mov ax,[ecx][ebx*2]
			.break .if !ax
			.if (word ptr lpcmd[0]!=0)
				mov word ptr [edi],","
				add edi,2
			.if ax=="A"
				mov ecx,$CTW0(" address")
			.elseif ax=="a"
				mov ecx,$CTW0(" [address]")
			.elseif ax=="S"
				mov ecx,$CTW0(" string")	
			.elseif ax=="V"
				mov ecx,$CTW0(" expression")
			.elseif ax=="v"
				mov ecx,$CTW0(" [expression]")
			.elseif ax=="L"
				mov ecx,$CTW0(" expression")
			.elseif ax=="R"
				mov ecx,$CTW0(" Reg")
				mov ecx,offset gString
			.while 1
				mov ax,[ecx]
				.break .if !ax	
				mov [edi],ax
				add ecx,2
				add edi,2
			inc ebx
		invoke wsprintfW,addr lpString,$TW0(" %s%s -- %s"),[esi].cmd,addr lpcmd,[esi].help
		invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,addr lpString
		assume esi:nothing
		.if len
			invoke wsprintfW,addr lpString,$CTW0("No valid command begin with \= %s \=."),esi
			invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,addr lpString
			invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,offset gString
	invoke crt_free,p	
showinfo endp

Execute proc uses esi edi ebx cmd,info
	LOCAL result:t_result
	;check args
	mov esi,cmd
	.if !esi || word ptr [esi] ==0 || info ==NULL
		mov eax,-1
		jmp done
	invoke RtlZeroMemory,offset g_g,g_glength
	;skip spaces
	.while word ptr [esi]==20h || word ptr [esi]==9h	;" " & "\t"
		lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
	mov edi,offset gcmd
	xor ebx,ebx
		mov ax,[esi]
		invoke crt_iswalpha,eax
		.if eax
			mov ax,[esi]
			invoke crt_towupper,eax
			mov [edi][ebx*2],ax
			lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
			mov ax,word ptr [esi]
			.if ax=="?" || ax=="*" || ax==":"
				mov [edi],ax
				mov ebx,1
				lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
		inc ebx
	.until ebx>=MAX_HIST
	mov word ptr [edi][ebx*2],0
	xor ebx,ebx
	mov edi,offset gcmdlist
	assume edi:ptr t_command
		invoke lstrcmpiW,offset gcmd,[edi].cmd
		.break .if !eax
		add edi,sizeof t_command
		inc ebx
	.until edi >=offset gcmdlistEnd

	;fail done
	.if edi>=offset gcmdlistEnd
		invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Unrecognized command: %s"),offset gcmd
		mov eax,-1
		jmp done
	;Now get operands esi
	xor ebx,ebx
	.while 1
		;skip spaces
		.while word ptr [esi]==20h || word ptr [esi]==9h	;" " & "\t"
			lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
		mov eax,[edi].args
		mov ax,[eax][ebx*2]
		inc ebx
		.break .if !ax
		.if ax=="a"
			mov dx,[esi]
			.if dx=="," || dx=="=" ||dx==";" || !dx
				mov gaddress,0
				.if dx
					lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
				jmp @F	
		.elseif ax=="A"
			invoke Getcputhreadid
			invoke Expression,addr result,esi,0,0,0,eax,0,0,0
			.if eax<0
				invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Invalid expression")
				mov eax,-1
				jmp done
			mov len,eax
			.if result.datatype!=EXPR_DWORD
				invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Integer expression expected")
				mov eax,-1
				jmp done
			invoke Findmemory,result.u
			.if !eax
				invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Address 0x%08X points to nowhere"),result.u
				mov eax,-1
				jmp done
			mov eax,result.u
			mov gaddress,eax
			mov eax,len
			add eax,eax
			add esi,eax
		.elseif ax=="L"
			invoke Getcputhreadid
			invoke Expression,offset glval,esi,0,0,0,eax,0,0,0
			mov len,eax
			.if eax < 0 || glval.datatype==EXPR_INVALID
				invoke wsprintfW,info,addr glval.value
				mov eax,-1
				jmp done
			mov eax,len
			shl eax,1
			add esi,eax
		.elseif ax=="v"
			mov dx,[esi]
			.if dx=="," || dx=="=" ||dx==";" || !dx
				mov result.datatype,EXPR_INVALID
				mov result.u,0
				.if dx
					lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
				jmp @F
		.elseif ax=="V"
			invoke Getcputhreadid
			invoke Expression,offset gval,esi,0,0,0,eax,0,0,0
			mov len,eax
			.if eax < 0 || result.datatype==EXPR_INVALID
				invoke wsprintfW,info,addr gval.value
				mov eax,-1
				jmp done
			mov eax,len
			shl eax,1
			add esi,eax
		.elseif ax=="S"
			mov ecx,offset gstr
			.while 1	
				mov dx,[esi]
				mov [ecx],dx
				.break .if !dx
				add ecx,2
				add esi,2
		.elseif ax=="R"
			invoke Getcputhreadid
			invoke Expression,offset grval,esi,0,0,0,eax,0,0,0
			mov len,eax
			.if eax < 0 || !(grval.lvaltype & EXPR_REG)
				invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("undefined register")
				mov eax,-1
				jmp done
			mov eax,len
			shl eax,1
			add esi,eax
			and eax,0FFFFh
			invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Internal error: undefined operand type %c"),eax
			mov eax,-1
			jmp done	
		mov eax,[edi].args
		mov ax,[eax][ebx*2]
		.if ax
			.while word ptr [esi]==20h || word ptr [esi]==9h	;" " & "\t"
				lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
			.if word ptr [esi]=="," || word ptr [esi]=="="
				lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
	.if word ptr [esi]!=0 && word ptr [esi]!=";"
		invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Extra characters on line: %.64s"),esi
		mov eax,-1
		jmp done
	invoke wsprintfW,info,offset gString
	invoke [edi].func,info,[edi].parm
	assume edi:nothing
Execute endp

[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

include windows.inc

include gdi32.inc
includelib gdi32.lib

include user32.inc
includelib user32.lib

include kernel32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib

include msvcrt.inc
includelib msvcrt.lib

include macro\strings.mac

include CmdBar.inc
include _A0_.ASM
include _S0_.ASM

comment #


bClassName                 EQU        $CTW0("CmdBarWndClass")        
bWndName                EQU        $CTW0("CmdBarWindow")
bPluginname                EQU $CTW0("CmdBar")
bPluginversion        EQU $CTW0("1.00.02")

;typedef int  MENUFUNC(struct t_table *,wchar_t *,ulong,int);

SubmenuFunc proc c pt,_name,index,mode
        mov eax,mode
        .if eax==MENU_VERIFY
                mov eax,MENU_NORMAL
        .elseif eax==MENU_EXECUTE
                invoke Resumeallthreads
                mov edx,hwollymain
                invoke MessageBoxW,[edx],$CTW0("so boring"),$CTW0("about:"),MB_OK
                invoke Suspendallthreads
                mov eax,MENU_REDRAW
                mov eax,MENU_REDRAW
SubmenuFunc endp

WndProc proc hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
        .if Msg==5
                invoke SendMessageW,ghWnd,5,wParam,lParam
        invoke CallWindowProcW,gPrevWndProc,hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
WndProc endp

ComboBoxProc proc hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
        LOCAL info[MAX_PATH]:WORD
        LOCAL show[MAX_PATH]:WORD
        mov eax,Msg
        .if eax==100h        ;WM_KEYDOWN
                mov eax,wParam
                .if eax==13        ;key_enter
                        invoke GetWindowTextLengthW,ghComboBox
                        .if eax>0        
                                invoke GetWindowTextW,ghComboBox,addr info,MAX_PATH-1
                                invoke Execute,addr info,addr show
                                .if !eax
                                        invoke addline,addr info        
                                invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,addr show
                                invoke SetFocus,ghComboBox
                        xor eax,eax
                .elseif eax==17        ;VK_CONTROL
                        xor eax,eax
                .elseif eax==27        ;VK_ESCAPE
                        invoke SetWindowTextW,ghComboBox,offset gString
                        invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,offset gString
                        xor eax,eax
                        invoke CallWindowProcW,gPrevCBProc, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam
        .elseif eax==101h ;WM_KEYUP
                .if (wParam !=13 && wParam != 17 && wParam != 27)
                        invoke GetWindowTextW,ghComboBox,addr info,MAX_PATH-1
                        invoke showinfo,addr info
                invoke CallWindowProcW,gPrevCBProc, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam
        .elseif eax==102h && (wParam ==13 || wParam==27)        ;WM_CHAR VK_ESCAPE
                xor eax,eax
                invoke CallWindowProcW,gPrevCBProc, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam        
ComboBoxProc endp

bWndMov proc uses ebx
        LOCAL lpRect:RECT
        lea ebx,lpRect
        assume ebx:ptr RECT
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke GetClientRect,[edx],ebx
        mov eax,[ebx].right
        sub eax,[ebx].left
        mov ecx,[ebx].bottom
        sub ecx,45
        invoke MoveWindow,ghWnd,0,ecx,eax,25,TRUE
        invoke ShowWindow,ghWnd,5
        assume ebx:nothing
bWndMov endp
bWndMovi proc uses ebx
        LOCAL lpRect:RECT
        lea ebx,lpRect
        assume ebx:ptr RECT
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke GetClientRect,[edx],ebx
        mov eax,[ebx].right
        sub eax,450
        invoke MoveWindow,ghEdit,440,3,eax,19,TRUE
        invoke ShowWindow,ghEdit,5
        assume ebx:nothing
bWndMovi endp
bWndMovc proc uses ebx esi

        LOCAL lpPoint:POINT
        LOCAL lpRect1:RECT
        LOCAL lpRect2:RECT
        LOCAL lpRect:RECT
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke GetWindowRect,[edx],addr lpRect1
        mov edx,hwclient
        invoke GetClientRect,[edx],addr lpRect2
        mov eax,[lpRect1].left
        mov [lpPoint].x,eax
        mov eax,[lpRect1].top
        mov [lpPoint].y,eax
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke ScreenToClient,[edx],addr lpPoint
        mov edx,[lpRect2].top
        cmp edx,[lpPoint].y
        setnz al
        movzx esi,al
        lea ebx,lpRect
        assume ebx:ptr RECT
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke GetClientRect,[edx],ebx
        neg esi 
        sbb esi,esi
        and esi,17h
        mov eax,[ebx].bottom
        sub eax,esi
        sub eax,[ebx].top
        sub eax,45
        mov ecx,[ebx].right
        sub ecx,[ebx].left
        mov edx,hwclient
        invoke MoveWindow,[edx],0,esi,ecx,eax,TRUE

        assume ebx:nothing
bWndMovc endp
bWndPaint proc uses esi edi ebx hwnd
        LOCAL Rect:RECT
        invoke bWndMov
        invoke bWndMovi
        invoke bWndMovc
        invoke BeginPaint,hwnd,addr Paint
        mov esi,eax
        invoke GetClientRect,hwnd,addr Rect
        invoke GetSysColor,15
        invoke CreateSolidBrush,eax
        mov edi,eax
        invoke FillRect,esi,addr Rect,edi
        invoke DeleteObject,edi
        invoke EndPaint,hwnd,addr Paint
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke InvalidateRect,[edx],0,TRUE
        xor eax,eax
bWndPaint endp

bWndSize proc hwnd 
        invoke bWndMovc
        invoke bWndMovi
        invoke bWndMov
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke InvalidateRect,[edx],0,TRUE
        xor eax,eax
bWndSize endp

bWndSetFocus proc hwnd
        invoke SetFocus,ghComboBox
        xor eax,eax
bWndSetFocus endp

bWndCreate proc uses esi edi ebx hwnd
        LOCAL Rect:RECT
        LOCAL lpBtnName[102]:WORD
        invoke GetClientRect,hwnd,addr Rect
        mov esi,1001
        mov ebx,1
        mov edi,5
                invoke wsprintfW,addr lpBtnName,$CTW0("M%d"),ebx
                mov edx,hollyinst
                invoke CreateWindowExW,0,$CTW0("BUTTON"),addr lpBtnName,5001800Bh,edi,3,28,19,hwnd,esi,[edx],0
                mov ghBtn[ebx*4][-4],eax
                inc esi
                inc ebx
                lea edi,[edi][28]
        .until ebx==6
        mov esi,hollyinst
        invoke CreateWindowExW,0,$CTW0("STATIC"),$CTW0("Command :"),05000000Bh,150,4,80,20,hwnd,1003,[esi],0
        invoke CreateWindowExW,0,$CTW0("COMBOBOX"),offset gString,050A10E42h,230,1,200,200,hwnd,1001,[esi],0
        mov ghComboBox,eax
        invoke GetWindow,eax,5
        invoke SetWindowLongW,eax,-4,offset ComboBoxProc
        mov gPrevCBProc,eax
        mov eax,[Rect].right
        sub eax,50
        invoke CreateWindowExW,0,$CTW0("EDIT"),offset gString,050800804h,440,3,eax,19,hwnd,0,[esi],0
        mov ghEdit,eax 
        xor eax,eax
bWndCreate endp

bWndDrawItem proc uses esi edi ebx hwnd,lParam
        LOCAL Rect:RECT
        LOCAL dRect:RECT
        LOCAL wString[102]:WORD
        mov esi,lParam
        mov eax,(DRAWITEMSTRUCT ptr [esi]).CtlID
        .if eax>=1001 && eax<=1005
                assume esi:ptr DRAWITEMSTRUCT
                mov edi,[esi].hdc
                invoke SetBkMode,edi,1
                invoke GetSysColor,15
                invoke CreateSolidBrush,eax
                mov ebx,eax
                invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr Rect,addr [esi].rcItem,sizeof RECT
                invoke FillRect,edi,addr Rect,ebx
                invoke DeleteObject,ebx
                .if [esi].itemState & 1
                        invoke GetSysColor,16
                        invoke CreateSolidBrush,eax
                        mov ebx,eax
                        invoke FrameRect,edi,addr Rect,ebx
                        invoke DeleteObject,ebx
                invoke GetDlgItem,hwnd,[esi].CtlID
                lea ebx,wString
                invoke GetWindowTextW,eax,ebx,100
                invoke GetDlgItem,hwnd,[esi].CtlID
                .if (word ptr [wString]!=2f30h) ;"/0"
                        invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr Rect,addr [esi].rcItem,sizeof RECT
                        .if [esi].itemState & 1
                                invoke OffsetRect,addr Rect,1,1
                        invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr dRect,addr Rect,sizeof RECT
                        invoke DrawTextW,edi,ebx,-1,addr Rect,411h
                        mov eax,dRect.right
                        sub eax,dRect.left
                        sub eax,Rect.right
                        add eax,Rect.left
                        sub eax,edx
                        shr eax,1
                        mov ecx,eax
                        mov eax,dRect.bottom
                        sub eax,dRect.top
                        sub eax,Rect.bottom
                        add eax,Rect.top
                        sub eax,edx
                        shr eax,1
                        mov edx,eax
                        invoke OffsetRect,addr Rect,ecx,edx
                        invoke SetBkMode,edi,1
                        .if [esi].itemState & 4
                                invoke OffsetRect,addr Rect,1,1 
                                invoke GetSysColor,20
                                invoke SetTextColor,edi,eax
                                invoke DrawTextW,edi,ebx,-1,addr Rect,11h
                                invoke OffsetRect,addr Rect,-1,-1
                                invoke GetSysColor,16
                                invoke SetTextColor,edi,eax
                                mov eax,1001
                                add eax,giBtn
                                .if [esi].CtlID==eax
                                        invoke SetTextColor,edi,0ffh
                                        invoke SetTextColor,edi,0
                                invoke GetSysColor,15
                                invoke SetBkColor,edi,eax
                        invoke DrawTextW,edi,ebx,-1,addr Rect,11h
                assume esi:nothing
        xor eax,eax
        inc eax
bWndDrawItem endp

bWndCommand proc wParam
        LOCAL Rect:RECT
        mov eax,wParam
        .if eax>=1001 && eax<=1005
                sub eax,1001
                .if [eax*4][gDumpaddr] && eax!=giBtn
                        mov giBtn,eax
                        mov eax,gDumpaddr[eax*4]
                        invoke Setcpu,0,0,eax,-1,0,16
                        invoke GetClientRect,ghWnd,addr Rect 
                        invoke InvalidateRect,ghWnd,0,1
        xor eax,eax
bWndCommand endp

bWndProc proc hwnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
        mov eax,Msg
        .if eax==15        ;WM_PAINT
                invoke bWndPaint,hwnd
        .elseif eax==5        ;WM_SIZE
                invoke bWndSize,hwnd
        .elseif eax==7        ;WM_SETFOCUS
                invoke bWndSetFocus,hwnd
        .elseif eax==1        ;WM_CREATE
                invoke bWndCreate,hwnd
        .elseif eax==43        ;WM_DRAWITEM
                invoke bWndDrawItem,hwnd,lParam
        .elseif eax==273;WM_COMMAND
                invoke bWndCommand,wParam
                invoke DefWindowProcW,hwnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
bWndProc endp

align 4
ODBG2_Plugininit proc c uses ebx
        LOCAL lpRect:RECT
        lea ebx,lpWNDCLASSEXW
        assume ebx:ptr WNDCLASSEX
        mov [ebx].cbSize,sizeof WNDCLASSEX
        mov [ebx].style,11
        mov [ebx].lpfnWndProc,offset bWndProc
        mov [ebx].cbClsExtra,0
        mov [ebx].cbWndExtra,0        
        mov eax,hollyinst
        mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
        mov [ebx].hInstance,eax        
        mov [ebx].hIcon,0
        invoke LoadCursorW,eax,7F00h
        mov [ebx].hCursor,eax        
        mov [ebx].hbrBackground,15        
        mov [ebx].lpszMenuName,0
        mov [ebx].lpszClassName,bClassName
        mov [ebx].hIconSm,0
        assume ebx:nothing
        invoke RegisterClassExW,ebx 
        lea ebx,lpRect
        assume ebx:ptr RECT
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke GetClientRect,[edx],ebx
        mov eax,[ebx].bottom
        sub eax,45
        mov edx,hwollymain
        mov ecx,hollyinst
        invoke CreateWindowExW,0,\
        mov ghWnd,eax
        assume ebx:nothing
        mov edx,hwollymain
        invoke SetWindowLongW,[edx],-4,offset WndProc
        mov gPrevWndProc,eax
        xor eax,eax
ODBG2_Plugininit endp

;int __cdecl ODBG2_Plugindump(t_dump *pd,
;  wchar_t *s,uchar *mask,int n,int *select,ulong addr,int column)
align 4
ODBG2_Plugindump proc c uses esi edi ebx pd,s,_mask,n,select,_addr,column
        LOCAL info[MAX_PATH]:WORD
        gpT_dump  dd 0
        gSelstart dd 5 dup(0)
        gSelend          dd 5 dup(0)
        .if column==DF_FILLCACHE
                mov esi,pd
                mov ebx,_addr
                assume esi:ptr t_dump
                .if esi && ebx
                        mov eax,[esi].menutype
                        and eax,DMT_CPUMASK
                        .if eax==DMT_CPUDUMP
                                mov eax,giBtn
                                .if eax || eax!= gDumpaddr[0*4]
                                        invoke wsprintfW,addr info,$CTW0("g_nCurDumpAddress: %d addr: %0.8x"),eax,[esi].selstart
                                        ;varapi (void)    Tempinfo(wchar_t *format,...);
                                        invoke Tempinfo,addr info
                                        mov eax,giBtn
                                        mov edx,[esi].selend
                                        .if gDumpaddr[eax*4]!=edx
                                                mov gDumpaddr[eax*4],ebx
                                                mov edx,[esi].selstart
                                                mov gSelstart[eax*4],edx
                                                mov edx,[esi].selend
                                                mov gSelend[eax*4],edx
                                        mov ecx,eax
                                        mov ebx,gSelstart[ecx*4]
                                        mov edi,gSelend[ecx*4]
                                        mov eax,edi
                                        sub eax,ebx
                                        xor eax,edx
                                        sub eax,edx
                                        inc eax
                                        inc ecx
                                        mov gpT_dump,esi
                                        CTW  "MEM: %d, ",4,fmt
                                        CTW  "Start: 0x%08X, "
                                        CTW  "End: 0x%08X, "
                                        CTW0 "Block: 0x%X\{%d\}"
                                        invoke wsprintfW,addr info,offset fmt,\
                                        invoke Tempinfo,addr info                                
                                        mov eax,giBtn
                                        mov edx,gSelstart[eax*4]
                                        mov [esi].sel0,edx
                                        mov edx,gSelend[eax*4]
                                        inc edx
                                        mov [esi].sel1,edx
                                        mov gDumpaddr[0*4],ebx
                                        mov gDumpaddr[1*4],ebx
                                        mov gDumpaddr[2*4],ebx
                                        mov gDumpaddr[3*4],ebx
                                        mov gDumpaddr[4*4],ebx
                                        mov gpT_dump,esi
                assume esi:nothing
        xor eax,eax
ODBG2_Plugindump endp
ODBG2_Pluginmenu proc c _type
        submenu t_menu <$CTW0("about:"),$CTW0("about"),0,offset SubmenuFunc,0,<0>>
                        t_menu <0,0,0,0,0,<0>>
        gmenu         t_menu <$CTW0("CmdBar"),$CTW0("CmdBar"),0,0,offset submenu,<0>>
                        t_menu <0,0,0,0,0,<0>>
        invoke crt_wcscmp,_type,PWM_MAIN
        .if !eax
                mov eax,offset gmenu
                xor eax,eax
ODBG2_Pluginmenu endp
ODBG2_Pluginquery proc c ollydbgversion,features,pluginname,pluginversion
        .if ollydbgversion>=201
                invoke RtlMoveMemory,pluginname,bPluginname,32
                invoke RtlMoveMemory,pluginversion,bPluginversion,32
                mov eax,2010001h
                xor eax,eax
ODBG2_Pluginquery endp
ODBG2_Pluginreset proc
        and gDumpaddr[0],0
        and gDumpaddr[4],0
        and gDumpaddr[8],0
        and gDumpaddr[0ch],0
        and gDumpaddr[10h],0
        and giBtn,0
        xor eax,eax
ODBG2_Pluginreset endp
ODBG2_Pluginnotify proc c action,data,p1,p2
        xor eax,eax
ODBG2_Pluginnotify endp
ODBG2_Pluginclose proc c
        xor eax,eax
ODBG2_Pluginclose endp
ODBG2_Pluginanalyse proc c t_module,pmod
        xor eax,eax
ODBG2_Pluginanalyse endp
ODBG2_Plugindestroy proc c
        mov edx,hollyinst
        invoke UnregisterClassW,bClassName,[edx]
ODBG2_Plugindestroy endp

dllmain proc uses edi esi ebx hInst:DWORD, reason:DWORD, reserved1:DWORD

        invoke GetModuleHandle,NULL
        mov gExeHande,eax
        invoke InitImportTable
        mov eax,1
dllmain endp

end dllmain

kit.zip (1003.9 KB, 下载次数: 156) https://www.0xaa55.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2003&page=1&extra=#pid7213


参与人数 14吾爱币 +18 热心值 +14 收起 理由
peter_king + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
610100 + 1 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!
妩美 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
hitlerfs + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
Hmily + 5 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!
vking + 1 + 1 热心回复!
whyida + 1 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
微若清风 + 1 + 1 热心回复!
liuhaijiji5807 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
暗鬼残灵 + 1 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!
WYWZ + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
lin_xop + 1 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!
hejialong + 2 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!
Pizza + 2 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!



MAXtoDEATH 发表于 2017-1-29 18:55
刘统宝 发表于 2017-1-28 15:53



参与人数 1热心值 +1 收起 理由
610100 + 1 热心回复!


刘统宝 发表于 2017-1-30 19:28
MAXtoDEATH 发表于 2017-1-29 18:55

yhw231 发表于 2017-1-27 18:25
zhaogang5807 发表于 2017-1-27 18:27
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云中岳 发表于 2017-1-27 18:46
xiawan 发表于 2017-1-27 18:49
liuhaijiji5807 发表于 2017-1-27 18:51
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wq0351 发表于 2017-1-27 18:54
yAYa 发表于 2017-1-27 19:37
gunxsword 发表于 2017-1-28 00:13
whyida 发表于 2017-1-28 07:43
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