发表于 2017-3-16 16:48
1、申 请 I D :dlmlzz6
3、原创技术文章:CSDN博客http://blog.csdn.net/dlmlzz09本人专注于iOS的App开发,有多款作品,自己本人也有1个app《摄影神器》在Appstore上,地址https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id1210244471?mt=8也涉足过cocos2dx游戏开发,最近在做iOS的App Hook开发,希望能加入吾爱破解,互相学习提高。下面是破解iOS版微信自动抢红包的分析过程和代码。
原理Objective-C 是一门动态语言,我们可以利用OC的Runtime动态的替换App原有的函数,来达到我们(不可告人)的目的。OC 中对某个对象的方法的调用并不像 C++ 一样直接取得方法的实现的偏移值来调用,所以 C++ 方法与实现的关系在编译时就可确定。而 OC 中方法和实现的关系是在运行时决定的。在调用某个对象的方法时,实际上是调用了 obj_msgsend 向对象发送一个名称为方法名的消息,而我们可以替换这个响应这个消息的实现内容。OC 中比较有力的动态特性 Method Swizzing 就是建立在这个基础之上。
简单来说就是以下三句代码:Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(theClass, originalSelector); Method newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(theClass, newSelector); method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, newMethod);这样一来,原来调用originalSelector函数,都会指向我们的newSelector函数,以此实现HOOK。第1步:砸壳首先ssh连上越狱iOS设备,执行ps -e查找微信的app地址
然后退出cycript,cd到documents目录下,执行以下命令:adminde-iPhone:~ root# adminde-iPhone:/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/2B65DCC1-9FAD-41C8-A5EC-C3D9326EE3D6/Documents root# DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=dumpdecrypted.dylib /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/690828B8-B63F-4FAC-B7CC-DEFD8E23AF46/WeChat.app/WeChatmach-o decryption dumperDISCLAIMER: This tool is only meant for security research purposes, not for application crackers.[+] detected 32bit ARM binary in memory.[+] offset to cryptid found: @0xd7a4c(from 0xd7000) = a4c[+] Found encrypted data at address 00004000 of length 49463296 bytes - type 1.[+] Opening /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/690828B8-B63F-4FAC-B7CC-DEFD8E23AF46/WeChat.app/WeChat for reading.[+] Reading header[+] Detecting header type[+] Executable is a FAT image - searching for right architecture[+] Correct arch is at offset 16384 in the file[+] Opening WeChat.decrypted for writing.[+] Copying the not encrypted start of the file[+] Dumping the decrypted data into the file[+] Copying the not encrypted remainder of the file[+] Setting the LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO->cryptid to 0 at offset 4a4c[+] Closing original file[+] Closing dump fileadminde-iPhone:/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/2B65DCC1-9FAD-41C8-A5EC-C3D9326EE3D6/Documents root# ls WeChat.decrypted- 1
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WeChat.decrypted文件就是我们砸壳后的二进制文件,我们可以拷贝到Mac上,各种工具都可以用上了。第2步:导出头文件使用class-dump,将我们砸壳出来的二进制文件的头文件导出来:admindeMac-mini:微信6.5.5 admin$ class-dump --arch armv7 -s -S -H WeChat.decrypted -o headers/admindeMac-mini:微信6.5.5 admin$ ls headers/AAAlertItem.hAACloseNotifyReq.hAACloseNotifyRes.hAACloseReq.hAACloseRes.hAALaunchByMoneyReq.hAALaunchByMoneyRes.hAALaunchByPersonReq.hAALaunchByPersonRes.hAALaunchItem.hAAListRecord.hAAOperationReq.hAAOperationRes.hAAPayReq.hAAPayRes.h- 1
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通过查找发现CMessageMgr这个类就是用来管理各种消息的,查看CMessageMgr.h头文件- (void)AddAppMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 Data:(id)arg3 Scene:(unsigned long)arg4;- (void)AddAppMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 DataPath:(id)arg3 Scene:(unsigned long)arg4;- (BOOL)AddBackupMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AddEmoticonMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AddFloatBottle:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AddHelloMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 HelloUser:(id)arg3 OpCode:(unsigned long)arg4 DES:(unsigned long)arg5 checkCreateTime:(BOOL)arg6 status:(unsigned long)arg7;- (void)AddHelloMsgList:(id)arg1 MsgList:(id)arg2;- (void)AddLocalMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AddLocalMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 fixTime:(BOOL)arg3 NewMsgArriveNotify:(BOOL)arg4;- (void)AddLocalMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 fixTime:(BOOL)arg3 NewMsgArriveNotify:(BOOL)arg4 Unique:(BOOL)arg5;- (void)AddMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AddMsgPattern:(id)arg1;- (void)AddPimMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AddRecordMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AddShortVideoLocalMsg:(id)arg1 ToUsr:(id)arg2 VideoInfo:(id)arg3 MsgType:(unsigned long)arg4;- (void)AddShortVideoMsg:(id)arg1 ToUsr:(id)arg2 VideoInfo:(id)arg3;- (void)AddUniqueLocalMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AddVideoMsg:(id)arg1 ToUsr:(id)arg2 VideoInfo:(id)arg3;- (void)AddVideoMsg:(id)arg1 ToUsr:(id)arg2 VideoInfo:(id)arg3 MsgType:(unsigned long)arg4;- (void)AsyncOnAddMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AsyncOnAddMsgForSession:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AsyncOnAddMsgForSession:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2 NewMsgArriveNotify:(BOOL)arg3;- (void)AsyncOnAddMsgListForSession:(id)arg1 NotifyUsrName:(id)arg2;- (void)AsyncOnCheckQQ;- (void)AsyncOnDelMsg:(id)arg1;- (void)AsyncOnDelMsg:(id)arg1 DelAll:(BOOL)arg2;- (void)AsyncOnDelMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- (void)AsyncOnModMsg:(id)arg1 MsgWrap:(id)arg2;- 1
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在头文件目录下搜索OpenRedEnvelopegrep -nR 'OpenRedEnvelope' ././/WCAtomicRedEnvReceiveHomeView.h:15: UIButton *m_oOpenRedEnvelopesButton;.//WCAtomicRedEnvReceiveHomeView.h:31:- (void)OnOpenRedEnvelopes;.//WCAtomicRedEnvReceiveHomeViewDelegate-Protocol.h:12:- (void)WCAtomicRedEnvReceiveHomeViewOpenRedEnvelopes:(_Bool)arg1;.//WCFestivalRedEnvFinishView.h:28:- (void)OnOpenRedEnvelopes;.//WCFestivalRedEnvReceiveHomeView.h:31:- (void)OnOpenRedEnvelopes;.//WCFestivalRedEnvReceiveHomeViewDelegate-Protocol.h:12:- (void)WCFestivalRedEnvReceiveHomeViewOpenRedEnvelopes:(_Bool)arg1;.//WCFestivalRedEnvShareView.h:28:- (void)OnOpenRedEnvelopes;.//WCRedEnvelopesControlData.h:31: NSDictionary *m_structDicAfterOpenRedEnvelopesInfo;.//WCRedEnvelopesControlData.h:49property(retain, nonatomic) NSDictionary *m_structDicAfterOpenRedEnvelopesInfo; // @synthesize m_structDicAfterOpenRedEnvelopesInfo;.//WCRedEnvelopesEnterpriseControlLogic.h:39:- (void)WCFestivalRedEnvReceiveHomeViewOpenRedEnvelopes:(_Bool)arg1;.//WCRedEnvelopesGreetingReceiveControlLogic.h:37:- (void)OnOpenRedEnvelopesRequest:(id)arg1 Error:(id)arg2;.//WCRedEnvelopesGreetingReceiveControlLogic.h:52:- (void)WCRedEnvelopesReceiveHomeViewOpenRedEnvelopes;.//WCRedEnvelopesLogicMgr.h:42:- (void)OpenRedEnvelopesRequest:(id)arg1;我们猜想WCRedEnvelopesLogicMgr.h里面的OpenRedEnvelopesRequest函数就是我们要找的目标函数,经常反复的测试和验证,这个函数确实是我们要的打开红包的函数。第3步:写代码完成开发经历了以上分析和验证的过程,写代码对于HOOK来说反而是很简单的水到渠成。具体抢红包的代码如下:@class CMessageMgr;CHDeclareClass(CMessageMgr);CHOptimizedMethod(2, self, void, CMessageMgr, AsyncOnAddMsg, id, arg1, MsgWrap, id, arg2) { CHSuper(2, CMessageMgr, AsyncOnAddMsg, arg1, MsgWrap, arg2); Ivar uiMessageTypeIvar = class_getInstanceVariable(objc_getClass("CMessageWrap"), "m_uiMessageType"); ptrdiff_t offset = ivar_getOffset(uiMessageTypeIvar); unsigned char *stuffBytes = (unsigned char *)(__bridge void *)arg2; NSUInteger m_uiMessageType = * ((NSUInteger *)(stuffBytes + offset)); Ivar nsFromUsrIvar = class_getInstanceVariable(objc_getClass("CMessageWrap"), "m_nsFromUsr"); id m_nsFromUsr = object_getIvar(arg2, nsFromUsrIvar); Ivar nsContentIvar = class_getInstanceVariable(objc_getClass("CMessageWrap"), "m_nsContent"); id m_nsContent = object_getIvar(arg2, nsContentIvar); switch(m_uiMessageType) { case 1: { } break; case 49: { // 49=红包 //微信的服务中心 Method methodMMServiceCenter = class_getClassMethod(objc_getClass("MMServiceCenter"), @selector(defaultCenter)); IMP impMMSC = method_getImplementation(methodMMServiceCenter); id MMServiceCenter = impMMSC(objc_getClass("MMServiceCenter"), @selector(defaultCenter)); //红包控制器 id logicMgr = ((id (*)(id, SEL, Class))objc_msgSend)(MMServiceCenter, @selector(getService:), objc_getClass("WCRedEnvelopesLogicMgr")); //通讯录管理器 id contactManager = ((id (*)(id, SEL, Class))objc_msgSend)(MMServiceCenter, @selector(getService:),objc_getClass("CContactMgr")); Method methodGetSelfContact = class_getInstanceMethod(objc_getClass("CContactMgr"), @selector(getSelfContact)); IMP impGS = method_getImplementation(methodGetSelfContact); id selfContact = impGS(contactManager, @selector(getSelfContact)); if ([m_nsContent rangeOfString"wxpay://"].location != NSNotFound) { NSString *nativeUrl = m_nsContent; NSRange rangeStart = [m_nsContent rangeOfString"wxpay://c2cbizmessagehandler/hongbao"]; if (rangeStart.location != NSNotFound) { NSUInteger locationStart = rangeStart.location; nativeUrl = [nativeUrl substringFromIndex:locationStart]; } NSRange rangeEnd = [nativeUrl rangeOfString"]]"]; if (rangeEnd.location != NSNotFound) { NSUInteger locationEnd = rangeEnd.location; nativeUrl = [nativeUrl substringToIndex:locationEnd]; } NSString *naUrl = [nativeUrl substringFromIndex:[@"wxpay://c2cbizmessagehandler/hongbao/receivehongbao?" length]]; NSArray *parameterPairs =[naUrl componentsSeparatedByString"&"]; NSMutableDictionary *parameters = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[parameterPairs count]]; for (NSString *currentPair in parameterPairs) { NSRange range = [currentPair rangeOfString"="]; if(range.location == NSNotFound) continue; NSString *key = [currentPair substringToIndex:range.location]; NSString *value =[currentPair substringFromIndex:range.location + 1]; [parameters setObject:value forKey:key]; } //红包参数 NSMutableDictionary *params = [@{} mutableCopy]; [params setObject:parameters[@"msgtype"]?"null" forKey"msgType"]; [params setObject:parameters[@"sendid"]?"null" forKey"sendId"]; [params setObject:parameters[@"channelid"]?:@"null" forKey:@"channelId"]; id getContactDisplayName = objc_msgSend(selfContact, @selector(getContactDisplayName)); id m_nsHeadImgUrl = objc_msgSend(selfContact, @selector(m_nsHeadImgUrl)); [params setObject:getContactDisplayName forKey:@"nickName"]; [params setObject:m_nsHeadImgUrl forKey:@"headImg"]; [params setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", nativeUrl]?:@"null" forKey:@"nativeUrl"]; [params setObject:m_nsFromUsr?:@"null" forKey:@"sessionUserName"]; ((void (*)(id, SEL, NSMutableDictionary*))objc_msgSend)(logicMgr, @selector(OpenRedEnvelopesRequest:), params); return; } break; } default: break; }}- 1
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