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[Disassemblers] Obfuscator - obfuscation tool for the x86 assembler

Hmily 发表于 2010-8-21 03:16
Obfuscator - obfuscation tool for the x86 assembler

Obfuscator - with this tool you can obfuscate your x86 assembler code, so it will make an analysis of compiled output very difficult.

Features list:

* MASM syntax only, processing of @@ labels, detection of local variables, constant equ values, and numbers in different formats (hex, dec)
* changing code execution flow (non linear code path) - it's usefull against all kinds of debuggers, analysis of such code is very "unpleasant"
* mutation of original instructions into series of other equivalent opcodes - obfuscator can mutate both arithmetic and logical opcodes
* hiding of direct calls to functions (including WinApi calls)
* inserting garbage opcodes between real instructions (so called "junks")
* inserting fake instructions between real ones, 32/16/8 opcodes are generated
* no support for code with assume directives
* obfuscated code is slower than the original code


287.36 KB, 下载次数: 10, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


阿杰 发表于 2010-8-21 07:09
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