The Enigma Protector V1.51 ( 15 July 2008 )
What's new: The Enigma Protector 1.51 Build 15 July 2008
Added console version
Added possibility to use message designer variables in Registration Dialog Designer
Added feature to reset local special info for debugging puporses (for example, to reset local startup password information)
Added feature that allows to ask startup password after defined number of days
Added possibility to change startup password
Added feature to hide/unhide symbols of startup password
Added feature that allows execution only if the module is registered
Added variables %AppName% %AppVers% for dialog designer that return Application Name and Version
Added Hardware Lock type that depends on Windows Serial Key
Added Enigma API EP_RegKeyCreationDate that returns the date when the key was created
Added OnClose event for form in Registration Dialog Designer
Added protection against memory breakpoints
Added feature to add/view matermarks in the protected file
Added function to show key expiration reminder
Added fast help link on the settings pages
Improved algorithm of loading Virtual Machine functions from project file, it is faster now
Remade startup password window
Bug fixed Entry Point Protection feature when protecting executable files compiled with Visual Studio 8+
Bug fixed when protected file contains import dll which does not import any function
Bug fixed with Files Attachment function if embed already protected dll files
Bug fixed with loading of project that contains files attachment feature
Bug fixed in Registration Dialog Designer, width did not save for label components