'UTF-8 URL编码
Public Function UTF8_URLEncoding(szInput)
Dim wch, uch, szRet
Dim x
Dim nAsc, nAsc2, nAsc3
If szInput = "" Then
UTF8_URLEncoding = szInput
Exit Function
End If
For x = 1 To Len(szInput)
wch = Mid(szInput, x, 1)
nAsc = AscW(wch)
If nAsc < 0 Then nAsc = nAsc + 65536
If (nAsc And &HFF80) = 0 Then
szRet = szRet & wch
If (nAsc And &HF000) = 0 Then
uch = "%" & Hex(((nAsc \ 2 ^ 6)) Or &HC0) & Hex(nAsc And &H3F Or &H80)
szRet = szRet & uch
uch = "%" & Hex((nAsc \ 2 ^ 12) Or &HE0) & "%" & _
Hex((nAsc \ 2 ^ 6) And &H3F Or &H80) & "%" & _
Hex(nAsc And &H3F Or &H80)
szRet = szRet & uch
End If
End If
UTF8_URLEncoding = szRet
End Function
'UTF-8 URL解码
Public Function UTF8_UrlDecode(ByVal URL As String)
Dim B, ub ''中文字的Unicode码(2字节)
Dim UtfB ''Utf-8单个字节
Dim UtfB1, UtfB2, UtfB3 ''Utf-8码的三个字节
Dim i, n, s
n = 0
ub = 0
For i = 1 To Len(URL)
B = Mid(URL, i, 1)
Select Case B
Case "+"
s = s & " "
Case "%"
ub = Mid(URL, i + 1, 2)
UtfB = CInt("&H" & ub)
If UtfB < 128 Then
i = i + 2
s = s & ChrW(UtfB)
UtfB1 = (UtfB And &HF) * &H1000 ''取第1个Utf-8字节的二进制后4位
UtfB2 = (CInt("&H" & Mid(URL, i + 4, 2)) And &H3F) * &H40 ''取第2个Utf-8字节的二进制后6位
UtfB3 = CInt("&H" & Mid(URL, i + 7, 2)) And &H3F ''取第3个Utf-8字节的二进制后6位
s = s & ChrW(UtfB1 Or UtfB2 Or UtfB3)
i = i + 8
End If
Case Else ''Ascii码
s = s & B
End Select
UTF8_UrlDecode = s
End Function
Public Function URLEncode(ByRef strURL As String) As String
Dim I As Long
Dim tempStr As String
For I = 1 To Len(strURL)
If Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1)) < 0 Then
tempStr = "%" & Right(CStr(Hex(Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1)))), 2)
tempStr = "%" & Left(CStr(Hex(Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1)))), Len(CStr(Hex(Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1))))) - 2) & tempStr
URLEncode = URLEncode & tempStr
ElseIf (Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1)) <= 90) Or (Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1)) >= 97 And Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1)) <= 122) Then
URLEncode = URLEncode & Mid(strURL, I, 1)
URLEncode = URLEncode & "%" & Hex(Asc(Mid(strURL, I, 1)))
End If
End Function
Public Function URLDecode(ByRef strURL As String) As String
Dim I As Long
If InStr(strURL, "%") = 0 Then URLDecode = strURL: Exit Function
For I = 1 To Len(strURL)
If Mid(strURL, I, 1) = "%" Then
If Val("&H" & Mid(strURL, I + 1, 2)) > 127 Then
URLDecode = URLDecode & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid(strURL, I + 1, 2) & Mid(strURL, I + 4, 2)))
I = I + 5
URLDecode = URLDecode & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid(strURL, I + 1, 2)))
I = I + 2
End If
URLDecode = URLDecode & Mid(strURL, I, 1)
End If
End Function