大家好,本人还是正在学Python的新手“HackerRank 298分”,看到外国编程网站“HackerRank”的教学练习,顺便翻译和分享给大家。链接会放在帖子的末端,有兴趣可以去看看。为了持续学习,我会努力持续更新。
Here is a sample line of code that can be executed in Python:
[Python] 纯文本查看复制代码
print("Hello, World!")
You can just as easily store a string as a variable and then print it to stdout:
你可以轻易地储存一个字串为变量,然后打印它作为 标准输出 -(stdout)
[Python] 纯文本查看复制代码
my_string = "Hello, World!"
The above code will print Hello, World! on your screen. Try it yourself in the editor below!
以上的代码将会打印 Hello, World! 在你的屏幕上,在下面的编辑器中可以自己尝试一下!
Input Format预期输入
You do not need to read any input in this challenge.