转载:https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-219998.htm 首先,它是免费的。。。。。。。。。。而且开源。
我来介绍下如何编译iaito。 构建iaito1.克隆iaito2.安装qt5.8(官方用的是qt5.6.2)
和qt for vs3.打开vs - qt vs tools - open qt project file - 找到“iaito\src\iaito.pro”4.找到“iaito\iaito_win32\radare2\include\libr\r_cons.h”记事本打开另存为“utf-8”格式5.编译... 运行iaito1.打开cmd.exe执行windeployqt.exe iaito.exe
比如我的就是:C:\Qt\Qt5.8.0\5.8\msvc2015_64\bin\windeployqt.exe C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\iaito\iaito.exe
目前已经改名 ,项目地址也移到:https://github.com/radareorg/cutter Cutter
A Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework (originally Iaito)
使用了radare2框架,所以看起来很像,已经不用使用命令来运行了 ScreenshotDisclaimerCutter is not aimed at existing radare2 users, it is focused on those whose are not yet radare2 users because of the learning curve, they don't like CLI applications or the difficulty/instability of radare2.IMPORTANT: the current status is highly unstable, it is an alpha version aimed for developers. Users please wait for the first stable release with installers.RequirementsRadare2: Make sure that, when cloning the project, you use git clone --recurse-submodules or run git submodule update --init to clone the correct radare2 version. Then execute the following command in the radare2 folder:
sys/install.shQtCreator and Qt: Right now cutter uses Qt 5.9.1, you will need the latest QtCreator and Qt added during the installation:Download: Qt Open SourceAdd Qt 5.9.1: http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-project-qmake.html
TroubleshotingOn Mac, QT5 apps fail to build on QtCreator if you have the libjpeg lib installed with brew. Run this command to workaround the issue:sudo mv /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.dylib /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.dylib.not-foundPlatformsCutter is developed on OS X, Linux and Windows. The first release for users will include installers for all three platforms.DocumentationProper documentation and website will be created before the first release.HelpRight now the best place to obtain help from cutter developers and community is joining this telegram group:https://t.me/iaito#cutter on irc.freenode.net