一): disasm.h文件
// Free Disassembler and Assembler -- Header file
// Copyright (C) 2001 Oleh Yuschuk
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// If you prefere Borland, this will force necessary setting (but, as a side
// effect, may cause plenty of warnings if other include files will be compiled
// with different options):
#define NEGLIMIT (-16384) // Limit to display constans as signed
#define PSEUDOOP 128 // Base for pseudooperands
#define TEXTLEN 256 // Maximal length of text string
// Special command features.
#define WW 0x01 // Bit W (size of operand)
#define SS 0x02 // Bit S (sign extention of immediate)
#define WS 0x03 // Bits W and S
#define W3 0x08 // Bit W at position 3
#define CC 0x10 // Conditional jump
#define FF 0x20 // Forced 16-bit size
#define LL 0x40 // Conditional loop
#define PR 0x80 // Protected command
#define WP 0x81 // I/O command with bit W
// All possible types of operands in 80x86. A bit more than you expected, he?
#define NNN 0 // No operand
#define REG 1 // Integer register in Reg field
#define RCM 2 // Integer register in command byte
#define RG4 3 // Integer 4-byte register in Reg field
#define RAC 4 // Accumulator (AL/AX/EAX, implicit)
#define RAX 5 // AX (2-byte, implicit)
#define RDX 6 // DX (16-bit implicit port address)
#define RCL 7 // Implicit CL register (for shifts)
#define RS0 8 // Top of FPU stack (ST(0), implicit)
#define RST 9 // FPU register (ST(i)) in command byte
#define RMX 10 // MMX register MMx
#define R3D 11 // 3DNow! register MMx
#define MRG 12 // Memory/register in ModRM byte
#define MR1 13 // 1-byte memory/register in ModRM byte
#define MR2 14 // 2-byte memory/register in ModRM byte
#define MR4 15 // 4-byte memory/register in ModRM byte
#define RR4 16 // 4-byte memory/register (register only)
#define MR8 17 // 8-byte memory/MMX register in ModRM
#define RR8 18 // 8-byte MMX register only in ModRM
#define MRD 19 // 8-byte memory/3DNow! register in ModRM
#define RRD 20 // 8-byte memory/3DNow! (register only)
#define MRJ 21 // Memory/reg in ModRM as JUMP target
#define MMA 22 // Memory address in ModRM byte for LEA
#define MML 23 // Memory in ModRM byte (for LES)
#define MMS 24 // Memory in ModRM byte (as SEG:OFFS)
#define MM6 25 // Memory in ModRm (6-byte descriptor)
#define MMB 26 // Two adjacent memory locations (BOUND)
#define MD2 27 // Memory in ModRM (16-bit integer)
#define MB2 28 // Memory in ModRM (16-bit binary)
#define MD4 29 // Memory in ModRM byte (32-bit integer)
#define MD8 30 // Memory in ModRM byte (64-bit integer)
#define MDA 31 // Memory in ModRM byte (80-bit BCD)
#define MF4 32 // Memory in ModRM byte (32-bit float)
#define MF8 33 // Memory in ModRM byte (64-bit float)
#define MFA 34 // Memory in ModRM byte (80-bit float)
#define MFE 35 // Memory in ModRM byte (FPU environment)
#define MFS 36 // Memory in ModRM byte (FPU state)
#define MFX 37 // Memory in ModRM byte (ext. FPU state)
#define MSO 38 // Source in string op's ([ESI])
#define MDE 39 // Destination in string op's ([EDI])
#define MXL 40 // XLAT operand ([EBX+AL])
#define IMM 41 // Immediate data (8 or 16/32)
#define IMU 42 // Immediate unsigned data (8 or 16/32)
#define VXD 43 // VxD service
#define IMX 44 // Immediate sign-extendable byte
#define C01 45 // Implicit constant 1 (for shifts)
#define IMS 46 // Immediate byte (for shifts)
#define IM1 47 // Immediate byte
#define IM2 48 // Immediate word (ENTER/RET)
#define IMA 49 // Immediate absolute near data address
#define JOB 50 // Immediate byte offset (for jumps)
#define JOW 51 // Immediate full offset (for jumps)
#define JMF 52 // Immediate absolute far jump/call addr
#define SGM 53 // Segment register in ModRM byte
#define SCM 54 // Segment register in command byte
#define CRX 55 // Control register CRx
#define DRX 56 // Debug register DRx
// Pseudooperands (implicit operands, never appear in assembler commands). Must
// have index equal to or exceeding PSEUDOOP.
#define PRN (PSEUDOOP+0) // Near return address
#define PRF (PSEUDOOP+1) // Far return address
#define PAC (PSEUDOOP+2) // Accumulator (AL/AX/EAX)
#define PAH (PSEUDOOP+3) // AH (in LAHF/SAHF commands)
#define PFL (PSEUDOOP+4) // Lower byte of flags (in LAHF/SAHF)
#define PS0 (PSEUDOOP+5) // Top of FPU stack (ST(0))
#define PS1 (PSEUDOOP+6) // ST(1)
#define PCX (PSEUDOOP+7) // CX/ECX
#define PDI (PSEUDOOP+8) // EDI (in MMX extentions)
// Errors detected during command disassembling.
#define DAE_NOERR 0 // No error
#define DAE_BADCMD 1 // Unrecognized command
#define DAE_CROSS 2 // Command crosses end of memory block
#define DAE_BADSEG 3 // Undefined segment register
#define DAE_MEMORY 4 // Register where only memory allowed
#define DAE_REGISTER 5 // Memory where only register allowed
#define DAE_INTERN 6 // Internal error
typedef unsigned char uchar; // Unsigned character (byte)
typedef unsigned short ushort; // Unsigned short
typedef unsigned int uint; // Unsigned integer
typedef unsigned long ulong; // Unsigned long
typedef struct t_addrdec {
int defseg;
char *descr;
} t_addrdec;
typedef struct t_cmddata {
ulong mask; // Mask for first 4 bytes of the command
ulong code; // Compare masked bytes with this
char len; // Length of the main command code
char bits; // Special bits within the command
char arg1,arg2,arg3; // Types of possible arguments
char type; // C_xxx + additional information
char *name; // Symbolic name for this command
} t_cmddata;
// Initialized constant data structures used by all programs from assembler
// package. Contain names of register, register combinations or commands and
// their properties.
extern const char *regname[3][9];
extern const char *segname[8];
extern const char *sizename[11];
extern const t_addrdec addr16[8];
extern const t_addrdec addr32[8];
extern const char *fpuname[9];
extern const char *mmxname[9];
extern const char *crname[9];
extern const char *drname[9];
extern const char *condition[16];
extern const t_cmddata cmddata[];
extern const t_cmddata vxdcmd;
extern const t_cmddata dangerous[];
//////////////////// ASSEMBLER, DISASSEMBLER AND EXPRESSIONS ///////////////////
#define MAXCMDSIZE 16 // Maximal length of 80x86 command
#define MAXCALSIZE 8 // Max length of CALL without prefixes
#define NMODELS 8 // Number of assembler search models
#define INT3 0xCC // Code of 1-byte breakpoint
#define NOP 0x90 // Code of 1-byte NOP command
#define TRAPFLAG 0x00000100 // Trap flag in CPU flag register
#define C_DANGER95 0x01 // Command is dangerous under Win95/98
#define C_DANGER 0x03 // Command is dangerous everywhere
#define C_DANGERLOCK 0x07 // Dangerous with LOCK prefix
#define DEC_TYPEMASK 0x1F // Type of memory byte
#define DEC_UNKNOWN 0x00 // Unknown type
#define DEC_BYTE 0x01 // Accessed as byte
#define DEC_WORD 0x02 // Accessed as short
#define DEC_NEXTDATA 0x03 // Subsequent byte of code or data
#define DEC_DWORD 0x04 // Accessed as long
#define DEC_FLOAT4 0x05 // Accessed as float
#define DEC_FWORD 0x06 // Accessed as descriptor/long pointer
#define DEC_FLOAT8 0x07 // Accessed as double
#define DEC_QWORD 0x08 // Accessed as 8-byte integer
#define DEC_FLOAT10 0x09 // Accessed as long double
#define DEC_TBYTE 0x0A // Accessed as 10-byte integer
#define DEC_STRING 0x0B // Zero-terminated ASCII string
#define DEC_UNICODE 0x0C // Zero-terminated UNICODE string
#define DEC_3DNOW 0x0D // Accessed as 3Dnow operand
#define DEC_BYTESW 0x11 // Accessed as byte index to switch
#define DEC_NEXTCODE 0x13 // Subsequent byte of command
#define DEC_COMMAND 0x1D // First byte of command
#define DEC_JMPDEST 0x1E // Jump destination
#define DEC_CALLDEST 0x1F // Call (and maybe jump) destination
#define DEC_PROCMASK 0x60 // Procedure analysis
#define DEC_PROC 0x20 // Start of procedure
#define DEC_PBODY 0x40 // Body of procedure
#define DEC_PEND 0x60 // End of procedure
#define DEC_CHECKED 0x80 // Byte was analysed
#define DECR_TYPEMASK 0x3F // Type of register or memory
#define DECR_BYTE 0x21 // Byte register
#define DECR_WORD 0x22 // Short integer register
#define DECR_DWORD 0x24 // Long integer register
#define DECR_QWORD 0x28 // MMX register
#define DECR_FLOAT10 0x29 // Floating-point register
#define DECR_SEG 0x2A // Segment register
#define DECR_3DNOW 0x2D // 3Dnow! register
#define DECR_ISREG 0x20 // Mask to check that operand is register
#define DISASM_SIZE 0 // Determine command size only
#define DISASM_DATA 1 // Determine size and analysis data
#define DISASM_FILE 3 // Disassembly, no symbols
#define DISASM_CODE 4 // Full disassembly
// Warnings issued by Disasm():
#define DAW_FARADDR 0x0001 // Command is a far jump, call or return
#define DAW_SEGMENT 0x0002 // Command loads segment register
#define DAW_PRIV 0x0004 // Privileged command
#define DAW_IO 0x0008 // I/O command
#define DAW_SHIFT 0x0010 // Shift constant out of range 1..31
#define DAW_PREFIX 0x0020 // Superfluous prefix
#define DAW_LOCK 0x0040 // Command has LOCK prefix
#define DAW_STACK 0x0080 // Unaligned stack operation
#define DAW_DANGER95 0x1000 // May mess up Win95 if executed
#define DAW_DANGEROUS 0x3000 // May mess up any OS if executed
typedef struct t_disasm { // Results of disassembling
ulong ip; // Instrucion pointer
char dump[TEXTLEN]; // Hexadecimal dump of the command
char result[TEXTLEN]; // Disassembled command
char comment[TEXTLEN]; // Brief comment
int cmdtype; // One of C_xxx
int memtype; // Type of addressed variable in memory
int nprefix; // Number of prefixes
int indexed; // Address contains register(s)
ulong jmpconst; // Constant jump address
ulong jmptable; // Possible address of switch table
ulong adrconst; // Constant part of address
ulong immconst; // Immediate constant
int zeroconst; // Whether contains zero constant
int fixupoffset; // Possible offset of 32-bit fixups
int fixupsize; // Possible total size of fixups or 0
int error; // Error while disassembling command
int warnings; // Combination of DAW_xxx
} t_disasm;
typedef struct t_asmmodel { // Model to search for assembler command
char code[MAXCMDSIZE]; // Binary code
char mask[MAXCMDSIZE]; // Mask for binary code (0: bit ignored)
int length; // Length of code, bytes (0: empty)
int jmpsize; // Offset size if relative jump
int jmpoffset; // Offset relative to IP
int jmppos; // Position of jump offset in command
} t_asmmodel;
extern int ideal; // Force IDEAL decoding mode
extern int lowercase; // Force lowercase display
extern int tabarguments; // Tab between mnemonic and arguments
extern int extraspace; // Extra space between arguments
extern int putdefseg; // Display default segments in listing
extern int showmemsize; // Always show memory size
extern int shownear; // Show NEAR modifiers
extern int shortstringcmds; // Use short form of string commands
extern int sizesens; // How to decode size-sensitive mnemonics
extern int symbolic; // Show symbolic addresses in disasm
extern int farcalls; // Accept far calls, returns & addresses
extern int decodevxd; // Decode VxD calls (Win95/98)
extern int privileged; // Accept privileged commands
extern int iocommand; // Accept I/O commands
extern int badshift; // Accept shift out of range 1..31
extern int extraprefix; // Accept superfluous prefixes
extern int lockedbus; // Accept LOCK prefixes
extern int stackalign; // Accept unaligned stack operations
extern int iswindowsnt; // When checking for dangers, assume NT
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
IMPORT_EXPORT int __stdcall Assemble(char *cmd,ulong ip,t_asmmodel *model,int attempt,
int constsize,char *errtext);
IMPORT_EXPORT int __stdcall Checkcondition(int code,ulong flags);
IMPORT_EXPORT int __stdcall Decodeaddress(ulong addr,char *symb,int nsymb,char *comment);
IMPORT_EXPORT ulong __stdcall Disasm(char *src,ulong srcsize,ulong srcip,
t_disasm *disasm,int disasmmode);
// Demonstration of Assembler.
// Assemble one of the commands above. First try form with 32-bit immediate.
pasm="ADD [DWORD 475AE0],1";
n=sprintf(s,"%3i ",j);
for (i=0; i<j; i++) n+=sprintf(s+n,"%02X ",am.code);
if (j<=0) sprintf(s+n," error=\"%s\"",errtext);
// Then variant with 8-bit immediate constant.
n=sprintf(s,"%3i ",j);
for (i=0; i<j; i++) n+=sprintf(s+n,"%02X ",am.code);
if (j<=0) sprintf(s+n," error=\"%s\"",errtext);
// Error, unable to determine size of operands.
pasm="MOV [475AE0],1";
n=sprintf(s,"%3i ",j);
for (i=0; i<j; i++) n+=sprintf(s+n,"%02X ",am.code);
if (j<=0) sprintf(s+n," error=\"%s\"",errtext);