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[Packers] WinLicense [] (15-Nov-2010)

Hmily 发表于 2010-11-21 02:11
WinLicense [] (15-Nov-2010)
[+] Improved obfuscation engine  

[+] Added support for Macromedia Projector applications  

[+] Improved compatibility in specific systems where memory is not immediately refreshed in code decryption  

[+] Improved support packing big EXE files (>200Mb)  

[+] Improved handling of DLL_PROCESS_DETACH  

[+] Removed runtime changes in process priority  

[+] Added API: WLTrialGetTrialRestrictions to know the trial restrictions set in protection time  

[+] Improved detection of corrupted trial storage keys  

[+] Improved option "Reset Trial" when trial extension keys are installed  

[+] WLBufferCrypt/WLBufferDecrypt now works on unprotected state too  

[+] Updated Hardware ID module to avoid different hardware ID on specific machines when running from restricted and admin accounts  

[+] WLTrialGetStatus returns "wlTrialModeNotSupported" when trial is not selected in "Trial Settings" panel  

[+] Improved stability of MAC Address in Hardware ID  

[+] Improved implementation of WLRegNetInstancesGet function  

[+] Improved Trial Date protection  

[+] License Manager can now generate UNICODE licenses also  

[+] Improved SDK support in Visual Studio 2010 applications  

[+] Minor improvements in Customer Manager and License Manager  

[+] Added PowerBasic include files for protection macros  

[+] XBundler: Improved support of LoadImage function in specific applications  

[!] Fixed Trial exception on specific Windows 98 systems  

[!] Fixed very random bug which produced some invalid protected instances  

[!] Fixed random internal exception on very specific computers  

[!] Fixed VMWare detection under Windows 9x  

[!] Fixed bug in WLTrialExtendExpiration function  

[!] Fixed compatibility issue in Anti-File Patching with specific UNICODE folder names  

[!] ECX/EDI registers were preserved after calling WLHardwareGetFormattedId  

[!] Fixed compatibility issue with specific Excelsior JET applications  

[!] Fixed use of WinLicenseSDK.dll in unprotected state under specific UNICODE folder names  

[!] Fixed exception in specific AntidumpVM when PC Hardware and U3 Hardware locks are both enabled  

[!] Fixed return value of WLRegDateDaysLeft in unprotected state  

[!] XBundler: Fixed exception bundling big files from different target path  

[!] Minor bugs fixed on GUI


nevsayno 发表于 2010-11-21 03:35
xie83544109 发表于 2011-6-28 17:37
lanble 发表于 2012-3-26 07:54
fzx118 发表于 2012-3-27 11:17
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