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[IDA Plugin] PatchDiff 2.0.9

Hmily 发表于 2011-1-31 17:09
PatchDiff2 is a plugin for the Windows version of the IDA dissassembler that can analyze two IDB files and find the differences between both. PatchDiff2 is free and fully integrates with the latest version of IDA (5.7). The plugin can perform the following tasks :

Display the list of identical functions
Display the list of matched functions
Display the list of unmatched functions (with the CRC)
Display a flow graph for identical and matched functions
The main purpose of this plugin is to be fast and give accurate results when working on a security patch or a hotfix. Therefore this tool is not made to find similar functions between two different programs. Patchdiff2 supports all processors that IDA can handle and is available in two versions: 32 bit and a 64 bit.


98.93 KB, 下载次数: 26, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


matao5168 发表于 2013-1-5 21:10
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