HxD - Freeware Hex Editor
New release: 2.1 (27/09/2018)
New: UTF-8 Codepoint in datainspector gives much more detailed feedback when a code point is invalid
Now also rejects every possible encoding error and handles characters entered as surrogate pairs
New: bytes-per-line option for Intel Hex / Motorola S-Record export
New: option to lock toolbars in place
Enhancement: ask to close files opened in HxD before securely deleting them
Enhancement: RTF exporter uses always UTF-8, even for Latin1, which improves compatibility
Enhancement: displayed and inspectable volume size is not limited anymore to just the file system area, but covers the entire volume extent
Enhancement: compare feature: set caret and scroll position to last compared bytes, even when no difference was found
Together with improved error message makes results more clear
Enhancement: HxD's internal clipboard is not limited to 4GiB anymore
Change: Enforce HxD 2.0 to run on WinXP+ only
Fix: after starting HxD, it would be in minimized state if it was last closed in a minimized state
Fix: HTML exporter - encoding rules and comments now follow W3C's recommendations
Fix: properly display volume size (instead of the hosting physical disk(s) size)
Fix: assertion and encoding errors in source code exporters
Fix: canceling a compare would give the wrong message, that files are identical, but the file sizes differ
Fix: trying to delete a selection or a single byte using the del key (while not having write rights) would not properly abort the operation: temporarily an unintended selection would be created or the caret would remain hidden
Fix: data inspector sees only a selection of one byte after deleting a byte with del key
Fix: error in computing SHA512 in debug builds
Updated translations
Various minor UI fixes