HxD is a carefully designed and fast hex editor which, additionally to raw disk editing and modifying of main memory (RAM), handles files of any size.The easy to use interface offers features such as searching and replacing, exporting, checksums/digests, insertion of byte patterns, a file shredder, concatenation or splitting of files, statistics and much more
New: UTF-8 Codepoint in datainspector gives much more detailed feedback when a code point is invalid
Now also rejects every possible encoding error and handles characters entered as surrogate pairs
New: bytes-per-line option for Intel Hex / Motorola S-Record export
New: option to lock toolbars in place
Enhancement: ask to close files opened in HxD before securely deleting them
Enhancement: RTF exporter uses always UTF-8, even for Latin1, which improves compatibility
Enhancement: displayed and inspectable volume size is not limited anymore to just the file system area, but covers the entire volume extent
Enhancement: compare feature: set caret and scroll position to last compared bytes, even when no difference was found
Together with improved error message makes results more clear
Enhancement: HxD's internal clipboard is not limited to 4GiB anymore
Change: Enforce HxD 2.0 to run on WinXP+ only
Fix: after starting HxD, it would be in minimized state if it was last closed in a minimized state
Fix: HTML exporter - encoding rules and comments now follow W3C's recommendations
Fix: properly display volume size (instead of the hosting physical disk(s) size)
Fix: assertion and encoding errors in source code exporters
Fix: canceling a compare would give the wrong message, that files are identical, but the file sizes differ
Fix: trying to delete a selection or a single byte using the del key (while not having write rights) would not properly abort the operation: temporarily an unintended selection would be created or the caret would remain hidden
Fix: data inspector sees only a selection of one byte after deleting a byte with del key
Fix: error in computing SHA512 in debug builds
Updated translations
Various minor UI fixes