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[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] GODUP - Godfather+ Olly Debugger Universal Plug-in

Hmily 发表于 2018-10-16 14:56

GODUP - Godfather+  Olly Debugger Universal Plug-in

ver. 1.2 2004-08-09

add:        Resource viewer can show Delphi and Borland C builder forms
add:        Resource viewer can show dialogs
add:        Resource viewer can show version infos

fix:        Problem with executing dumpsig.exe if full path have space in it
fix:        Memory leak with showing bitmap resources

Experimental -        Resource viewer - automatic breakpoint search on static
                events from Delphi or BCB form - Works ONLY for DELPHI and BCB

How to use it:

1. in Olly debuger select executable which you want to examine
   (ALT+E) or menu View -> Executable modules
2. Analyse it
3. Now you can use Resource viewer.

When you inspect form in resource viewer you see something like:

  object Button1: TButton
    Left = 32
    Top = 24
    Width = 75
    Height = 25
    Caption = 'Button1'
    TabOrder = 0
    OnClick = Button1Click    <--- Double click here!!!!!

Go to OnClick = Button1Click event and press double click - plugin will
try to find all places where event with this name is valid and put breakpoint there

This don't work with:
- Events which are set dinamically on runtime (They don't exist on form)
- programs protected with ASProtect
(place for setting breakpoint is correct, and  breakpoint is set, after that I get
exception 80000003 when try to execute this code)

ver. 1.1 2004-08-01

add:        Resource viewer can show DIB resources
add:        Resoruces saving
add:        Signature loader selector - selecting full row in grid for better visibility
add:        Settings pannel
add:        Possibility to decide where your notepad files will go
add:        Notepad files have name builded from short process name + _dbg.txt

fix:        Incorrect PE flag reading for signatrue files (thx TQN)
fix:        Correct position of components on form after resize
fix:        Support for executable packers which expand resources in memory out of
        resource section defined in PE header (PeCompact)
fix:    Some minor fixes

from this release I use TQN version of coverted plugin.h
(my is not so perfectly converted)

Personal greetings to:
        tbd, TQN, redmullet

ver. 1.0 2004-07-26

This plug-in consist of 5 handy tools:

1.        Map loader
2.        Resource viewer
3.        Process info
4.        IDA signature loader
5.        Notepad

1.        Map loader - use it for loading map files produced by compiler or by
IDA. You can use it to load label names and/or to load comments from .map file.
There is no any checking if map file match currently debugged process.

2.        Resource viewer - use it for looking to your resources ;-) This is
probably only viewer which works through direct memory access - means that you
can even look to resources of compressed (protected) executables.
NOTE: Still in experimental phase.

3.        Process info - Give you basic information about process + try to
recognize compiler and protection mechanism. . Process info use signature file
signs.txt from PE tools v1.5  (NEOx, .Cryorb) Fell free to add your own
signatures and share it with us.

4.        IDA signature loader - probably mostly wanted add on for Olly debugger -
now you can use IDA signature without IDA ;-) Just look to process info - find
your compiler and select and apply matching IDA signature. It's not problem if
you apply wrong one, you can apply another also. Only what you must do is to set
proper path to IDA signatures, and you need sigdump.exe file from IDA resource

5.        Notepad - Simple but smart notepad which load your notes per process
automatically every time.

Just unpack all files to your Olly debug plug-in directory.

Plug-in is written in Delphi 7, using self converted plugin.h from Olly Plug-in

Plug-in in this version can recognize 85%-90% functions from IDA signature
files. I still missing logic, which guys from Datarescue use, when procedure or
function has same first 32 bytes.(Then you must use checksums for rest of
procedure etc?pretty complicated without proper documentation)

Thanks to:
        Olly for magnificent debugger.
        NEOx, .Cryorb for Signature file from PE tools.
        Martin Lafferty for ConsoleApp.pas.
        guys who make RXLibrary.

Greetings to:
        all crackers especially +ones ;-).



465.76 KB, 下载次数: 183, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


参与人数 5吾爱币 +6 热心值 +5 收起 理由
dsfdgfdgfhgf + 1 + 1 感谢楼主,绝对是好东西
wi5101 + 1 + 1 我也不懂,但是觉得很厉害的样子
Sound + 3 + 1 鼓励转贴优秀软件安全工具和文档!
tame + 1 + 1 一脸懵逼的进来,一脸懵逼的出去
林逸 + 1 虽然什么都不懂但是还是来占占楼



TIANFU 发表于 2018-12-8 19:09
 楼主| Hmily 发表于 2018-10-18 14:51
cxj98 发表于 2018-10-18 07:36

qq3353558 发表于 2018-10-16 14:59
haoxueertd 发表于 2018-10-16 15:00
qq81241523 发表于 2018-10-16 15:03
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weliong 发表于 2018-10-16 15:38
wangqiustc 发表于 2018-10-16 15:38
fjqisba 发表于 2018-10-16 15:46
双眼皮的微笑 发表于 2018-10-16 16:18
于生 发表于 2018-10-16 16:50
m4n0w4r 发表于 2018-10-16 17:17
好久不見了你的帖子。 謝謝!
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