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[Disassemblers] P32Dasm 2.8 - [24.05.2011]

Hmily 发表于 2011-5-25 14:16
New version of your best reversing tool for Visual Basic 5/6 is here. Enjoy this release!

2.8 - [24.05.2011] - "It's my life" Release
+ Added identification of some created objects
+ Added identification of some CALLs and Objects
* Fixed some unknown CALLs
+ Better CALLs naming
+ Small speed up
+ Added better procedure naming in NCode (also for calls)
+ Better naming of Unknown Events
* Fixed export of some procedure names to IDA Visual Basic Debugger plugin
+ Possibility open any file extension (renamed malware or virus)
+ Default save extension: check if it's enabled Coloring and then set *.txt/*.rtf
+ Some changes in output formating
+ Now selected text is default string for searching
+ Removed some false alarm messages (In DB doesn't exist)
* Fixed crash on some big applications
* Fixed load and jump to offset in Hiew if cursor is not on address
+ Added display object offset and object ID in controls tree over mouse cursor, also included in export (Copy All) Usefull if you want manualy patch default control properties: label, enabled, disabled, visible, timer values ...
+ Added object ID to controls tree output
* Fixed wrong Event identification in some cases
+ Added identification of Private/Public function/procedures
+ Added identification of parameter names
- Removed some non usefull counters



270.56 KB, 下载次数: 82, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


hbfnmxb 发表于 2011-8-20 16:15
iloveqqp 发表于 2012-2-1 15:37
六叶竹 发表于 2013-2-17 12:38
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