吾爱破解 - 52pojie.cn




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『逆向资源区』 今日: 14 |主题: 5024|排名: 10 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Debuggers] Immunity Debugger 1.85 attach_img recommend agree

宿命棋局2014-4-21 14:56

宿命棋局 2014-4-21 14:56 2018808 ch3876726 2017-3-26 15:35
[Packers] mupack attachment

风吹屁屁凉2015-12-18 12:19

风吹屁屁凉 2015-12-18 12:19 54795 ant8342635 2017-3-25 10:59
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 如果你发现 x64 下,你的OD无法中断 或 程序终止。 attachment agree

wonderzdh2014-12-26 09:51

wonderzdh 2014-12-26 09:51 139834 a195097 2017-3-25 00:02
[OllyDbg 2.x Plugin] OllyTab2.01 attachment recommend agree

sdzzb2015-3-12 20:25

sdzzb 2015-3-12 20:25 3813823 fruitg 2017-3-23 21:11
[Android Tools] 【2017-03-20】安卓逆向辅助工具 AR Helper 4.9.0 新人帖 recommend agree

kfhyygy2016-11-1 10:24

kfhyygy 2016-11-1 10:24 4414455 孑翯JK 2017-3-23 16:32
[Packers] Winlicense2.3.8.0_x32.Repacked.By.Sound - [阅读权限 20]attach_img recommend agree

Sound2016-6-5 00:06

Sound 论坛大牛吾是土豪 2016-6-5 00:06 100782 lovejingqing 2017-3-22 13:46
[Android Tools] 安卓主要逆向工具更新研究 新人帖 agree

xiaoxin5202015-8-9 15:12

xiaoxin520 2015-8-9 15:12 1910586 邪梦 2017-3-15 20:38
[Debuggers] 易语言程序逆向工具 [E-Debug&Analysis] 修复云链接 recommend agree

qy114la2014-6-27 17:01

qy114la 2014-6-27 17:01 2719685 chunjiedefeige 2017-3-15 19:53
[Editors] Resource Tuner2.04完美汉化来袭.... attach_img recommend agree

xfwb2016-5-12 11:13

xfwb 2016-5-12 11:13 306988 Reign 2017-3-14 22:37
[Other] 虚拟机VM10.0安装使用全攻略(图文) 新人帖 attach_img recommend agree

心风自在2014-9-2 13:15

心风自在 2014-9-2 13:15 6831453 WIN=1 2017-3-14 18:34
[Patchers] XH 补丁制作工具Mini <吾爱破解专版> attach_img recommend agree

9806916592015-10-3 14:10

980691659 2015-10-3 14:10 1710843 HNGIS 2017-3-13 19:03
[Cryptography] Base64_MD5_SHA256_计算工具 attach_img agree

黑子网络2014-6-20 00:45

黑子网络 2014-6-20 00:45 88449 风吹屁股凉 2017-3-13 14:30
[Patchers] 樱花补丁制作工具 正式版 2.74 attach_img digest recommend agree

j44442010-9-7 08:52

j4444 原创精英 2010-9-7 08:52 1858304971 ymcoming 2017-3-13 12:42
[Debuggers] [搬运] IDA Pro 6.6 agree

yuan710582015-1-15 08:23

yuan71058 2015-1-15 08:23 1117798 boyving 2017-3-7 17:39
[.NET] 【转载】.NET Obfuscator Detector agree

howsk2016-12-22 20:28

howsk 2016-12-22 20:28 85928 咨询售后 2017-3-1 11:28
[PEtools] Exeinfo PE v. prev.3 with 963+53 signatures attachment agree

MistHill2016-10-31 10:06

MistHill 论坛大牛 2016-10-31 10:06 247101 likesina 2017-2-28 09:16
[OllyDbg 2.x Plugin] od(ollydbg) v2.01 (27-Sep-2013) cmdbar(Cmdline) 汇编源码(source) attachment agree

阿雅Ayala2017-1-27 17:38

阿雅Ayala 2017-1-27 17:38 2011510 weapon 2017-2-25 23:36
[PEtools] Detect It Easy v0.97主要用于壳侦测。

sky1632015-6-22 08:46

sky163 2015-6-22 08:46 44889 liu_lijunbfm 2017-2-25 10:24
[Debuggers] DOSBox debugger 0.74 attachment recommend

风吹屁屁凉2015-3-24 17:23

风吹屁屁凉 2015-3-24 17:23 25815 remtf 2017-2-23 13:03
[Debuggers] 吾爱破解专用OD六周年纪念版 attachment recommend agree

吾爱扣扣2014-3-2 16:20

吾爱扣扣 2014-3-2 16:20 432225678 xiangzff520 2017-2-16 21:07
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 一个OD 插件和UDD路径快速替换的工具 attach_img recommend

Ylca2014-8-16 01:44

Ylca 2014-8-16 01:44 117499 2lht_love 2017-2-16 13:29
[Patchers] 原创汉化版AT4REPatcher 7.0.1 - [阅读权限 10]attachment agree

太白金星2017-2-5 23:22

太白金星 2017-2-5 23:22 431473 mi0070 2017-2-8 12:29
[Unpackers] ASProtect Unpackers and Tools (12) agree

Utshiha2014-8-4 00:20

Utshiha 2014-8-4 00:20 2615349 i6i88 2017-2-8 02:44
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ScyllaHide 1.2 attach_img recommend agree

A-new2014-9-29 12:45

A-new 论坛大牛 2014-9-29 12:45 711346 evedeity 2017-1-29 21:39
[.NET] DotNetBox for .net 2.0、3.5、4.0 attachment recommend

风吹屁屁凉2014-5-22 12:14

风吹屁屁凉 2014-5-22 12:14 1311705 zngyngcpu 2017-1-26 17:09
[Mac OSX] DMGMaker v1.0 Mac OSX attachment recommend agree

Hmily2015-4-17 12:42

Hmily 论坛大牛 2015-4-17 12:42 1710992 evill 2017-1-25 00:31
[PEtools] RDG Packer Detector (查壳工具) attach_img recommend agree

A-new2014-9-29 11:31

A-new 论坛大牛 2014-9-29 11:31 168015 99586874 2017-1-23 13:53
[Packers] [转载]Vmprotect Ultimate 3.0.9 Build 657 X86 / X64 attachment recommend agree

sw0rdman2017-1-19 14:12

sw0rdman 2017-1-19 14:12 2314072 sw0rdman 2017-1-23 00:19
[Editors] WinHEX 19.0 X86 2016.10.17不完美撞击版 attachment recommend agree

冥界3大法王2016-10-17 14:20

冥界3大法王 2016-10-17 14:20 2814907 whyida 2017-1-22 07:57
[Patchers] diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher(DUP) v2.26.1 汉化版 attachment recommend agree

tracky2014-2-19 23:46

tracky 2014-2-19 23:46 8478774 moskiller 2017-1-20 17:07
[.NET] .NET破解辅助工具,IL代码查询助手 V1.0.1 新人帖 attach_img agree

ghostfish2015-6-24 14:14

ghostfish 2015-6-24 14:14 2311483 ZCShou 2017-1-20 11:04
[Patchers] AT4RE Patcher v0.7 Beta汉化版 attach_img agree

太白金星2017-1-7 18:33

太白金星 2017-1-7 18:33 63920 lyliucn 2017-1-19 21:46
[Android Tools] Apk利器:ApkToolkit v3.0 新人帖 attach_img recommend agree

lingyingpan2014-6-8 15:35

lingyingpan 2014-6-8 15:35 3041158 13385349325 2017-1-19 13:13
[.NET] de4dot去混淆软件最新编译版本 attachment recommend agree

韩立2017-1-14 13:43

韩立 2017-1-14 13:43 1423244 Hmily 2017-1-17 18:45
[.NET] DNGuard_HVM Unpacker attach_img recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2014-5-6 11:23

风吹屁屁凉 2014-5-6 11:23 9063882 暗影追风 2017-1-17 14:32
[Other] Cheat Engine 6.5 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img agree

glionying2016-2-9 20:41

glionying 2016-2-9 20:41 131042 teles 2017-1-17 12:19
[IDA Plugin] SmartDec decompiler attach_img

Hmily2014-8-18 17:22

Hmily 论坛大牛 2014-8-18 17:22 179845 xinzaixin 2017-1-17 11:16
[Debuggers] 20171.10日更新的OD,32和64位 attach_img agree

爱肖男2017-1-16 14:32

爱肖男 2017-1-16 14:32 116050 Hmily 2017-1-16 15:21
[Unpackers] UPX加壳 脱壳 工具~! attach_img recommend agree

19777947292014-1-20 19:19

1977794729 2014-1-20 19:19 6524344 倪星宇 2017-1-15 21:39
[Disassemblers] Interactive Delphi Reconstructor v2013.02.14 汉化文件 attach_img recommend agree

cxj982014-2-28 08:19

cxj98 2014-2-28 08:19 3417090 ups366 2017-1-14 15:10
[Unpackers] Static Enigma Virtual Box Unpacker attachment

风吹屁屁凉2014-5-23 14:09

风吹屁屁凉 2014-5-23 14:09 6431839 alwaysfirst 2017-1-13 15:50
[Patchers] 原创AT4RE Patcher v0.7 Beta自己汉化版 attachment agree

冥界3大法王2017-1-4 22:34

冥界3大法王 2017-1-4 22:34 658240 周二两 2017-1-12 13:32
[Patchers] AT4RE Patcher v0.7.2 Beta attachment recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2017-1-4 14:39

风吹屁屁凉 2017-1-4 14:39 74051 富春山居 2017-1-11 15:00
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 本人自创OD自动附加插件,给需要的人 attach_img recommend agree

xingif2014-2-25 10:03

xingif 2014-2-25 10:03 5018725 陈坤 2017-1-10 20:57
[Unpackers] Universal extractor v1.9.11.196 updated on 7th Jan, 2016 recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2016-1-7 17:02

风吹屁屁凉 2016-1-7 17:02 2615602 xinzaixin 2017-1-10 14:35
[Other] UPXShell attachment agree

yjd3332014-3-7 12:38

yjd333 2014-3-7 12:38 159066 zaqw0001 2017-1-8 14:37
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 【新年礼物第三弹】Blue Screen Explorer 蓝屏探寻插件V1.0 attach_img recommend agree

吾爱扣扣2014-1-27 15:13

吾爱扣扣 2014-1-27 15:13 15037884 y2651540 2017-1-7 12:48
[Other] idezender ZEND加密文件解密工具

tfsen2014-6-28 16:54

tfsen 2014-6-28 16:54 2021322 wanhl 2017-1-6 22:04
[Packers] Themida Full version+smc recommend agree

estelle2014-8-24 12:12

estelle 论坛大牛 2014-8-24 12:12 209266 小神网络 2017-1-6 21:12
[.NET] .Net反编译和调试神器DnSpy最新版v2.0 (带有中文界面) attachment recommend agree

glionying2016-4-5 17:12

glionying 2016-4-5 17:12 3917045 wuzhaozhi 2017-1-3 10:16
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