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『逆向资源区』 今日: 1 |主题: 5024|排名: 10 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
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[PEtools] ImportREC PE V1.7最终汉化修正版 attach_img recommend

im19892010-12-3 02:29

im1989 2010-12-3 02:29 6919897 潇洒哥zzzz 2014-2-19 16:20
[Editors] SweetScape 010 Editor v4.0.3 attachment recommend

Hmily2013-2-7 00:55

Hmily 论坛大牛 2013-2-7 00:55 104951 siyuan 2014-2-19 13:40
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 分享一个OD插件以及源码 attachment recommend agree

bambooqj2013-3-8 19:05

bambooqj 2013-3-8 19:05 147283 Amaya° 2014-2-18 17:54
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 信OD插件,会用的拿去吧,最新版2013.4.7 attach_img recommend agree

和信电脑2013-4-10 17:02

和信电脑 2013-4-10 17:02 319180 Amaya° 2014-2-18 17:50
[.NET] WTF Obfuscator attachment

风吹屁屁凉2014-2-11 13:50

风吹屁屁凉 2014-2-11 13:50 54524 zzzzyy 2014-2-17 18:02
[Other] 2013CM大赛分析文章合集(个人整理,附件已打包) attach_img recommend agree

飞儿line2014-2-7 16:31

飞儿line 2014-2-7 16:31 134464 zzzzyy 2014-2-17 17:58
[PEtools] ARTeam Import Reconstructor - ARImpRec.dll - 32-byte Import Rebuilder attachment

风吹屁屁凉2014-2-8 17:31

风吹屁屁凉 2014-2-8 17:31 56541 zzzzyy 2014-2-17 17:38
[Editors] Hex.Workshop.V5.0.2.2769 attachment recommend

A-new2008-3-14 09:34

A-new 论坛大牛 2008-3-14 09:34 97499 冥界3大法王 2014-2-17 17:26
[Packers] Zprotect官方最新版 1.4.8 DEMO 去NAG启动画面版 attachment

xingfuman2009-4-9 23:07

xingfuman 2009-4-9 23:07 10822683 sj15157111005 2014-2-15 20:21
[Unpackers] yoda's Protector v1.02 脱壳机 attachment

z3121708782009-6-30 15:37

z312170878 2009-6-30 15:37 31056383 yb3389 2014-2-15 04:05
[IDA Plugin] 最新的IDA Pro 2013年牛x获奖插件出炉 一等奖1900美元 attach_img

dalao2013-10-11 15:45

dalao 2013-10-11 15:45 1311715 吾爱-路人甲 2014-2-13 15:44
[.NET] DotNet Tools Pack 2013 attach_img

风吹屁屁凉2014-1-2 18:02

风吹屁屁凉 2014-1-2 18:02 45944 tail88 2014-2-13 10:16
[Disassemblers] VB.Decompiler.Pro.v9.2.RETAIL.BY-1ST.INCL_KEYGEN+PATCH-FFF agree

cxj982012-12-16 03:31

cxj98 2012-12-16 03:31 6516973 lyliucn 2014-2-10 17:13
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OllyDbg Plugin - Olly Advanced v1.27 attachment recommend

Hmily2009-8-14 15:33

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-8-14 15:33 1112413 冥界3大法王 2014-2-6 20:16
[PEtools] ImportREConstructor 1.7e 汉化版.by.cntrump [10.07修正] attach_img recommend agree

cntrump2010-10-4 15:14

cntrump 原创精英 2010-10-4 15:14 13725569 飛龍 2014-2-6 19:37
[PEtools] 真正的官方版peid0.95 attachment

lovaya2008-10-27 15:16

lovaya 2008-10-27 15:16 1210802 wanxia 2014-2-6 11:30
[Packers] DYAMAR Protector 1.3.6 attachment

风吹屁屁凉2012-4-16 16:58

风吹屁屁凉 2012-4-16 16:58 64727 cjyl 2014-2-5 19:55
[Other] 发布IDA Pro 5.4 中文帮助手册 attachment

小鱼爱逆流2009-7-3 21:04

小鱼爱逆流 2009-7-3 21:04 4429596 yzm503 2014-2-5 13:30
[PEtools] IAT 重建工具 - IATRebulid【CSY阅30楼】 attachment recommend

mycsy2008-4-8 12:14

mycsy 2008-4-8 12:14 5916820 liubaoch 2014-2-5 12:58
[Patchers] 易语言loader补丁工具 by xiaoH attachment agree

xiaoH2013-4-10 21:35

xiaoH 2013-4-10 21:35 288534 yzm503 2014-2-3 20:11
[.NET] Improve .NET Deobfuscator attachment

风吹屁屁凉2013-7-22 17:50

风吹屁屁凉 2013-7-22 17:50 35906 pua 2014-2-3 16:37
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OllyDBG中LoadDll.exe win7修正版 By 海风月影 attachment

Hmily2009-8-26 14:44

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-8-26 14:44 8628129 shejiewu 2014-2-2 01:30
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 过新年换新衣(OD换肤插件)更新 attachment agree

hym20082010-2-10 17:47

hym2008 2010-2-10 17:47 4011690 冥界3大法王 2014-1-31 11:00
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OD插件易语言造:易语言写OD插件! attachment recommend agree

ps5202009-12-6 16:38

ps520 论坛大牛 2009-12-6 16:38 4717910 墨色点滴 2014-1-30 10:48
[PEtools] PEiD-0.95全插件纯净版 attachment agree

8674276772010-2-6 21:16

867427677 2010-2-6 21:16 37084550 chinaqqm 2014-1-29 07:36
[PEtools] PEiD v0.95 最新CCDebuger汉化版+超多插件+签名! attachment agree

yuyuchun2008-10-27 09:22

yuyuchun 2008-10-27 09:22 12738153 guxiaokang 2014-1-28 19:38
[Patchers] 补丁制作工具 THYloadergen 绿色汉化包 attach_img

nic2010-9-29 00:14

nic 2010-9-29 00:14 319207 释然 2014-1-26 17:36
[Other] 加密与解密工具新年大礼包2008HTTP地址下载【转】

fengchen2008-3-14 00:36

fengchen 2008-3-14 00:36 2211908 w909821088 2014-1-26 14:02
[Other] CAD.Viewer.v9.0.A.05.Network.Edition attach_img

cmc54102012-9-1 01:57

cmc5410 论坛大牛原创精英 2012-9-1 01:57 46484 梦…… 2014-1-26 13:04
[PEtools] Tool to prevent decompilation of your Autoit-Code attachment agree

cmc54102013-10-15 07:33

cmc5410 论坛大牛原创精英 2013-10-15 07:33 13879 zcx880517 2014-1-25 11:28
[PEtools] FastScanner 3.0 海王星 汉化版 attachment agree

neptunesoft2010-2-3 04:22

neptunesoft 2010-2-3 04:22 5515285 s1543164987 2014-1-24 17:38
[PEtools] PeStudio 8.00 attach_img agree

吾爱扣扣2014-1-19 10:57

吾爱扣扣 2014-1-19 10:57 73546 Hmily 2014-1-22 10:15
[Other] Unpacking tElock 1.0 by HellSpider attachment

Hmily2009-9-13 03:33

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-9-13 03:33 187462 zhjb0330 2014-1-21 11:59
[Debuggers] Evan's Debugger 0.9.20 发布,二进制调试工具 attach_img

风吹屁屁凉2014-1-16 13:21

风吹屁屁凉 2014-1-16 13:21 65050 逍遥枷锁 2014-1-18 11:07
[.NET] dotNET Tracer v0.9 released by Kurapica attachment

Hmily2010-6-21 19:07

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-6-21 19:07 45527 chenjacker 2014-1-18 06:58
[Disassemblers] VB.Decompiler.Pro.v8.3.RETAIL.INCL_KEYGEN+PATCH-FFF attachment agree

wbs19972012-1-4 13:54

wbs1997 2012-1-4 13:54 137279 xiaocainiaok 2014-1-17 14:41
[Dongle] MultiKey 20.0.0 attachment

风吹屁屁凉2013-9-22 14:03

风吹屁屁凉 2013-9-22 14:03 47525 xinxinvic 2014-1-17 11:59
[Disassemblers] IDA Pro Advanced 5.5 去除局域网检测补丁 attachment

Hmily2009-12-18 17:00

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-12-18 17:00 219146 258239234 2014-1-17 10:57
[Other] 汇编指令查询器 attachment

選擇ζ犧牲2008-8-13 23:46

選擇ζ犧牲 2008-8-13 23:46 4812293 西枫游戏 2014-1-16 15:29
[Other] 工具包 attach_img recommend agree

小生我怕怕2013-4-1 15:52

小生我怕怕 论坛大牛 2013-4-1 15:52 957177243 s718539339 2014-1-16 10:11
[Packers] RLPack1.21中文版 attachment recommend agree

小生我怕怕2009-1-17 22:46

小生我怕怕 论坛大牛 2009-1-17 22:46 3310292 a781396765 2014-1-16 01:05
[Dongle] TORO hasp 4/Hasp HL/Hasp SRM Logger/Dumper V4.0 attachment recommend

Hmily2011-2-25 16:10

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-2-25 16:10 2820590 xiaocainiaok 2014-1-15 14:09
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ODbgScript 脚本编辑器 OllySubScript 1.4.1 汉化版 attachment

Hmily2010-1-17 20:41

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-1-17 20:41 168126 天空网络 2014-1-15 12:50
[Other] FabulaTech.USB.Over.Network.v.4.11.Keygen.Read.NFO-RAiD attachment recommend

Hmily2009-9-3 10:56

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-9-3 10:56 59724 kvllz 2014-1-13 14:01
[PEtools] pe文件头查看器 (有图) attach_img

guangguenghai2013-3-22 12:15

guangguenghai 2013-3-22 12:15 149318 xiaoyaofeng01 2014-1-12 16:27
[Dongle] 最新的加密狗检测工具 V2.4.1 attach_img

hnlmsong2011-5-31 18:21

hnlmsong 2011-5-31 18:21 11626598 xl543260585 2014-1-11 03:48
[Other] 【更新完整翻译】VMProtect.Ultimate.2.06.简体中文语言文件 attachment recommend agree

lkou2010-9-27 20:42

lkou 论坛大牛原创精英 2010-9-27 20:42 10922490 LSG丶宝宝 2014-1-9 09:34
[Other] WinLicense中文使用说明书 attachment recommend

ggq34932009-4-13 17:49

ggq3493 2009-4-13 17:49 6925150 best_919 2014-1-9 00:11
[Packers] WinLicense.v2.1.3.32.by.fengyue[CUG] + by.ZeNiX[CCG] attach_img

hexpor2012-2-21 15:53

hexpor 2012-2-21 15:53 1712942 best_919 2014-1-9 00:02
[Packers] ACProtect 2.0 中文注册版! attachment recommend

mycsy2008-12-15 20:11

mycsy 2008-12-15 20:11 5718024 5113233719 2014-1-8 12:35
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