吾爱破解 - 52pojie.cn




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『逆向资源区』 今日: 1 |主题: 5024|排名: 10 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Disassemblers] ShuDepb - pb decompiler

Hmily2011-5-19 11:25

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-5-19 11:25 215081 sunjunps 2014-1-8 12:35
[Packers] ASPack.v2.33.Cracked.by.yoza[UpK] attach_img

xingyuwan2013-12-29 08:29

xingyuwan 2013-12-29 08:29 84897 rex_android 2014-1-7 23:45
[.NET] de4dot 3.0.3 - Deobfuscator for .NET recommend agree

amulin2013-11-24 23:12

amulin 2013-11-24 23:12 57281 吾爱-路人甲 2014-1-7 16:28
[Debuggers] OllyDbg2 修改了中文字体期待大神汉化 新人帖 attachment

dhtfish2013-10-1 20:12

dhtfish 2013-10-1 20:12 167028 wcb0414 2014-1-6 22:09
[Patchers] XMemPath 吾爱破解专版 【内存补丁生成器】+[工具使用教程] attachment digest recommend agree

楚茗2008-4-5 17:09

楚茗 2008-4-5 17:09 38773651 只做石头 2014-1-5 22:05
[Debuggers] Nanomite 0.1 Beta 17 attach_img agree

A-new2014-1-4 12:17

A-new 论坛大牛 2014-1-4 12:17 63792 至尊丶 2014-1-5 20:35
[Scripts] VMProtect 1.7 - 1.8 脱壳脚本 attachment recommend agree

avzhongjiezhe2010-1-29 10:39

avzhongjiezhe 2010-1-29 10:39 33454657 福少爷 2014-1-5 15:43
[Debuggers] 一款OD工具包。西班牙某网站共享出来的 attachment

bambooqj2013-6-5 12:52

bambooqj 2013-6-5 12:52 249348 新手求教育 2014-1-4 17:44
[Debuggers] 让od支持64位调试吧

1dian02011-8-5 16:15

1dian0 2011-8-5 16:15 511813 yzhorg 2014-1-4 16:12
[Debuggers] MDebug attachment

Hmily2012-11-20 12:12

Hmily 论坛大牛 2012-11-20 12:12 99377 剑哥 2014-1-4 14:31
[PEtools] ZP Fixer attachment

by:702010-6-13 04:54

by:70 2010-6-13 04:54 4013693 释然 2014-1-2 00:22
[Debuggers] 刚发现一个调试器 不知道可用不 单机VT调试器专业版V1.0.025-免费 attach_img

hlt35603872013-11-15 23:05

hlt3560387 2013-11-15 23:05 713010 y_jiping 2013-12-31 15:51
[Other] OD专用:UDD和Plugin路径修改工具 attach_img agree

tk869353672012-10-30 22:14

tk86935367 2012-10-30 22:14 179166 www52pojiecn 2013-12-31 15:16
[Editors] GetVBRes软件破解VB利器 attachment agree

yanguu2008-12-7 09:11

yanguu 2008-12-7 09:11 3714369 shuiyunpan 2013-12-31 03:44
[PEtools] peid Zprotect 版本识别插件 1.2 attachment recommend agree

frozenrain2010-10-15 14:11

frozenrain 2010-10-15 14:11 11026669 landdr 2013-12-29 17:43
[PEtools] 脱壳破解工具箱 UnPacKinG & CrAcKinG TooLs 2o11 v2.5 2o11o712 By RegKiller - [阅读权限 10]attach_img recommend agree

RegKiller2011-7-12 06:17

RegKiller 2011-7-12 06:17 3555537 wj32526737 2013-12-29 02:55
[Unpackers] ARTeam: Armag3ddon 2.0 attachment

风吹屁屁凉2013-12-26 14:38

风吹屁屁凉 2013-12-26 14:38 64190 sfl4800 2013-12-28 09:21
[Unpackers] UPX 静态脱壳机 更新到0.3版 attachment

shaopeng2008-11-25 19:25

shaopeng 2008-11-25 19:25 9422397 675550115 2013-12-27 18:26
[PEtools] Restorator 2009双语破解版 attachment

mycsy2009-7-29 23:10

mycsy 2009-7-29 23:10 4014136 vulnbug 2013-12-27 16:47
[.NET] CryptoObfuscator 2013 R2 Enterprise Build 131211 Cracked

风吹屁屁凉2013-12-26 14:33

风吹屁屁凉 2013-12-26 14:33 03131 风吹屁屁凉 2013-12-26 14:33
[.NET] DumbAssembly - SmartAssembly DeObfuscator - .Net Unpacker attachment

风吹屁屁凉2012-3-28 18:32

风吹屁屁凉 2012-3-28 18:32 2310913 lihongxu0221 2013-12-25 16:27
[.NET] NET Reflector v7.6.1.824 final

风吹屁屁凉2012-9-13 12:45

风吹屁屁凉 2012-9-13 12:45 88821 淡.恬 2013-12-25 09:49
[IDA Plugin] IDA 6.5 SDK 更新

lasty2013-12-20 11:23

lasty 2013-12-20 11:23 36130 lyliucn 2013-12-22 18:46
[Packers] VMProtect.Professional.v1.8.Cracked.Offer.By.Nooby attachment digest agree

Nooby2009-5-8 19:20

Nooby 论坛大牛 2009-5-8 19:20 39359355 ibq00 2013-12-22 10:05
[Scripts] Execryptor 2.x - 2.41 find VM EP - Stolen OEP v1.1 agree

mycsy2009-8-14 00:51

mycsy 2009-8-14 00:51 14913 NikolayD 2013-12-20 06:58
[PEtools] Import REC v1.7e 美化版 attach_img

sdzzb2011-6-4 00:47

sdzzb 2011-6-4 00:47 2211070 258239234 2013-12-19 13:25
[.NET] Xenocode Postbuild 2010 for .NET Unpacker attachment

Hmily2009-12-21 21:15

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-12-21 21:15 2717809 258239234 2013-12-19 13:23
[IDA Plugin] IDA 6.5 tools attachment agree

lasty2013-12-14 19:56

lasty 2013-12-14 19:56 39159 progmboy 2013-12-16 10:44
[Disassemblers] Delphi Decompiler v1.1.211b attachment

风吹屁屁凉2011-6-14 10:24

风吹屁屁凉 2011-6-14 10:24 88074 syx594 2013-12-15 21:06
[Debuggers] ollydbg V2.01 alpha4 汉化第2版 attachment

风吹屁屁凉2012-6-29 18:04

风吹屁屁凉 2012-6-29 18:04 5111860 吾爱靓仔 2013-12-14 23:06
[Debuggers] OllyDbg v2.01(27-Sep-2013) attachment agree

Hmily2013-9-28 16:07

Hmily 论坛大牛 2013-9-28 16:07 379144 www52pojiecn 2013-12-14 22:27
[Packers] Themida Cracked By HyperChem attach_img recommend agree

hyperchem2011-6-16 11:01

hyperchem 论坛大牛 2011-6-16 11:01 21735834 Crack菜菜 2013-12-14 10:37
[Other] DIE_079最新版 attach_img agree

gxhayxj2013-12-11 22:35

gxhayxj 2013-12-11 22:35 43927 zeromaggot 2013-12-12 20:16
[PEtools] All-Sentinel Dumper Tools Collection attachment

Hmily2010-9-17 11:47

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-9-17 11:47 88296 zlhex 2013-12-12 18:45
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 写插件让OD像IDA那样代码高亮(开源)[通用版] attach_img

yangjt2011-3-18 17:42

yangjt 论坛大牛 2011-3-18 17:42 2211196 xiong5230 2013-12-12 09:55
[PEtools] 附加数据提取查看器1.2 attachment

mycsy2008-5-22 02:06

mycsy 2008-5-22 02:06 6916483 sitwithyou 2013-12-11 15:56
[PEtools] Exeinfo Pe v. Final - 2012.09.11 with 667 signatures attach_img

冰河洗剑2012-11-25 23:03

冰河洗剑 2012-11-25 23:03 125149 molinchz 2013-12-10 18:37
[PEtools] Scylla_v0.9.2汉化版 仅有32位系统的 attach_img agree

waddt1232013-12-8 01:35

waddt123 2013-12-8 01:35 225051 come202 2013-12-10 15:44
[OllyDbg 2.x Plugin] ODbgScript v2.0.1.201 for OllyDBG 2.01 by Epsylon3 (Include Source Code) attachment

Hmily2011-10-14 10:30

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-10-14 10:30 2011930 caikexint 2013-12-10 00:46
[Other] 通用 Armadillo 注册码生成器[转自一蓑烟雨] recommend

小生我怕怕2008-8-7 14:29

小生我怕怕 论坛大牛 2008-8-7 14:29 4817558 boss1940 2013-12-9 18:16
[PEtools] ExeinfoPE v0.0.3.2 汉化绿色版【v2】 attach_img recommend agree

Black Hawk2012-12-8 20:09

Black Hawk 原创精英 2012-12-8 20:09 8514282 bro 2013-12-9 11:47
[Disassemblers] 6.1礼物 DJ Java Decompiler v3.11.11.95(支持中文路径+破解) attachment recommend

啊cr2009-5-30 12:36

啊cr 2009-5-30 12:36 106820 风清扬 2013-12-9 01:43
[Patchers] 内存注册机_YDKEY attach_img agree

hym20082011-6-9 09:56

hym2008 2011-6-9 09:56 3111697 qwerzzz 2013-12-8 16:53
[Patchers] Vprotect KeyCreator V2 【可生成单文件】 attach_img recommend

mycsy2011-9-1 23:42

mycsy 2011-9-1 23:42 4212028 永遠 2013-12-7 00:06
[Packers] WinUPack 3.99 and UPack 3.999 attachment

Hmily2010-2-3 12:33

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-2-3 12:33 85297 pjianjian 2013-12-6 00:32
[.NET] 52pojie.NET SDK attach_img agree

cmc54102012-8-24 15:03

cmc5410 论坛大牛原创精英 2012-8-24 15:03 217100 pjianjian 2013-12-6 00:31
[PEtools] UPack PE Fixer V1.0 attachment

Hmily2008-6-12 13:08

Hmily 论坛大牛 2008-6-12 13:08 186932 jsczj 2013-12-4 22:45
[Scripts] TMD/WL 新脚本--Themida - Winlicense 1.x - 2.x Imports Fixer Edition 1.0 by SnD attachment agree

wuqing15012010-10-9 13:31

wuqing1501 论坛大牛 2010-10-9 13:31 1912992 yyjjww67 2013-12-4 15:01
[PEtools] Exeinfope v0.0.3.1 645sign 汉化版 attach_img recommend agree

xingyuwan2012-8-9 08:36

xingyuwan 2012-8-9 08:36 377878 加盐白咖啡 2013-12-4 12:39
[Packers] Bitsum.PECompact2.v3.02.2.Multilingual.Retail-CzW attachment

Hmily2010-6-13 01:01

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-6-13 01:01 55463 945230807 2013-12-4 11:56
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