吾爱破解 - 52pojie.cn




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『逆向资源区』 今日: 1 |主题: 5024|排名: 10 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
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[.NET] Dot Net String Decoder attachment

Hmily2012-10-2 22:48

Hmily 论坛大牛 2012-10-2 22:48 105919 g372136690 2014-5-11 01:26
[.NET] dotNET Tracer 1.1 Stealth attachment

Hmily2011-2-18 17:17

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-2-18 17:17 74586 g372136690 2014-5-11 01:24
[PEtools] PE文件加区段工具 v0.6 attach_img agree

zaas2011-11-19 01:06

zaas 论坛大牛原创精英 2011-11-19 01:06 85404 hackbsky 2014-5-10 00:11
[Packers] WinLicense汉化破解版 attach_img

5323290632011-3-25 13:03

532329063 2011-3-25 13:03 12626261 叁叁来迟 2014-5-9 20:40
[.NET] Deconfuser 2 attach_img

Hmily2012-4-4 23:14

Hmily 论坛大牛 2012-4-4 23:14 109307 lane_yang 2014-5-7 15:49
[Packers] VMProtect2.5 破解版。 绝对可以用。第1次发帖。希望版主点亮! attachment recommend agree

小生的兄弟2010-9-5 01:18

小生的兄弟 2010-9-5 01:18 14032782 gxxxx0888 2014-5-5 03:34
[PEtools] Exeinfo for Windows version : Beta - ( 700 sign ) attachment agree

amulin2013-10-13 14:08

amulin 2013-10-13 14:08 114878 zmq6260368 2014-5-4 16:49
[Unpackers] yoda's Protector 脱壳机 attachment

Hackerづ2008-4-25 05:25

Hackerづ 2008-4-25 05:25 9027731 xiaohei336 2014-5-4 15:29
[Other] Visual Assist X 1822 crack attachment

Hmily2010-4-26 16:44

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-4-26 16:44 1111457 boyphp 2014-5-4 14:36
[Disassemblers] Reactor Decryptor 1.1 by CodeRipper attachment

Hmily2010-8-5 12:37

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-8-5 12:37 88447 jer9y 2014-5-4 13:42
[Packers] Code Virtualizer v1.3.8.0 ‬ attachment

Hmily2009-11-16 15:39

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-11-16 15:39 2311557 pentium450 2014-5-2 12:34
[Scripts] MoleBox 2.xx OEP Finder + Fix IAT v0.11 attachment

chengren2010-2-19 18:31

chengren 2010-2-19 18:31 2511720 st446491320 2014-5-2 00:14
[Debuggers] Java Debugtool 5.0.5 attachment recommend

Hmily2013-5-27 17:34

Hmily 论坛大牛 2013-5-27 17:34 115549 woo 2014-4-30 10:21
[Other] 【新年礼物】软件加密与解密技术精华合集 2014.01 (cxj98制作) attach_img recommend agree

cxj982014-1-31 10:20

cxj98 2014-1-31 10:20 39332158 yyangnann 2014-4-30 06:30
[PEtools] AddSection 区段添加工具 光棍节贺礼第一蛋 attach_img recommend agree

Kido2013-11-11 23:58

Kido 2013-11-11 23:58 135780 02006691 2014-4-29 16:40
[Scripts] VProtect 1.XX Pass HWID And OEP Finder attachment recommend agree

wuqing15012011-2-28 12:29

wuqing1501 论坛大牛 2011-2-28 12:29 188617 liubaoch 2014-4-29 12:49
[Other] Trial-Reset 4.0 Final with source attachment

Hmily2010-5-15 14:05

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-5-15 14:05 1112796 aescin_g 2014-4-29 09:55
[Other] [五一节特别礼物] 软件加密与解密技术精华合集 2014.05 recommend agree

cxj982014-4-25 18:44

cxj98 2014-4-25 18:44 15619461 荭式 2014-4-27 22:57
[Packers] Winlicense2.23 Demo Crack attach_img agree

kissy2013-1-6 17:59

kissy 论坛大牛 2013-1-6 17:59 15524044 zz0147 2014-4-27 14:50
[.NET] DotNet Dumper 1.0 by CodeRipper attachment recommend agree

Hmily2010-10-12 18:40

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-10-12 18:40 3523329 wwjj123 2014-4-27 00:51
[Other] VirtualKd2.6 attachment recommend

hixiaosheng2012-5-7 14:43

hixiaosheng 2012-5-7 14:43 117177 sprout 2014-4-26 23:48
[Debuggers] 分享一款据说能过SE的OD 新人帖 attachment

hlt35603872013-11-12 12:17

hlt3560387 2013-11-12 12:17 176679 yishenggxh 2014-4-26 18:32
[Editors] X-Ways.WinHex.v16.9.Keymaker.FIX.ONLY.READ.NFO-ZWT attachment

Hmily2013-3-14 14:15

Hmily 论坛大牛 2013-3-14 14:15 84084 yufengrw 2014-4-25 11:09
[Debuggers] OllyDBG v2.01 美化版本 attach_img recommend agree

琅琊竹天2014-3-30 12:41

琅琊竹天 2014-3-30 12:41 96230 lizi4355 2014-4-25 00:56
[Other] 易微客破解工具2.3 - 内存脚本 attach_img recommend

拓海真一2013-8-19 00:30

拓海真一 2013-8-19 00:30 169628 wlc120 2014-4-24 23:33
[Packers] VMProtect professional licensed Release attach_img

Cic2013-9-16 10:55

Cic 2013-9-16 10:55 65443 shieep 2014-4-24 15:47
[PEtools] PE Explorer 1.99 R6 汉化版之元旦献礼版(修正第一版) attachment recommend

Hmily2009-12-28 20:31

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-12-28 20:31 4516007 YoungBai 2014-4-23 23:53
[Android Tools] DJ.Java.Decompiler.v3.12.12.98

风吹屁屁凉2014-4-15 16:40

风吹屁屁凉 2014-4-15 16:40 24521 geophylika 2014-4-23 13:56
[Other] 【分享】10几个G的资料,基本上什么都有,很杂 新人帖 attachment recommend

5113256072012-7-11 01:31

511325607 2012-7-11 01:31 5210824 hyc8588 2014-4-23 09:52
[IDA Plugin] RSA Keyfinder 0.1 attachment

Hmily2011-1-16 12:41

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-1-16 12:41 25851 ntzwq 2014-4-22 13:37
[PEtools] Detemida - Themida系列壳的检测工具 attachment

mycsy2009-1-20 11:15

mycsy 2009-1-20 11:15 4814914 contain 2014-4-21 20:55
[Disassemblers] jd-gui-0.2.7.windows[Java Decompiler] attachment agree

iawen2009-2-26 15:22

iawen 论坛大牛 2009-2-26 15:22 35232 yaoqijiulv 2014-4-21 18:57
[Debuggers] OllyDbg v2.01 汉化版(汇编调试工具)破解软件神器 非个人汉化 只是来分享的 attach_img recommend agree

wtfyniwfn2013-10-2 18:30

wtfyniwfn 2013-10-2 18:30 11022912 a642964561 2014-4-19 23:41
[Packers] [LCG新年礼物之二]VMProtect.Ultimate.V2.09.CracKed.By.LCG attach_img recommend agree

ximo2012-1-31 22:46

ximo 论坛大牛 2012-1-31 22:46 12947930 Owner_Cracker 2014-4-17 13:57
[Debuggers] OD各版本 重新上传(全)几十个吧!(精)

shiju2010-2-16 15:59

shiju 2010-2-16 15:59 4328562 x_h168 2014-4-16 18:15
[Packers] ASPack.v2.32.Cracked.by.yoza[UpK] attach_img recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2013-8-13 15:20

风吹屁屁凉 2013-8-13 15:20 147458 无言士 2014-4-13 18:08
[Disassemblers] ReFox XII (Version 12 Visual FoxPro Decompiler) attachment

Hmily2010-2-25 10:34

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-2-25 10:34 521159 arthurchen 2014-4-12 22:46
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ODPlugin :Delphi写的提取Delphi字符串控件(开源,转自看雪) attach_img

Hmily2008-6-13 04:16

Hmily 论坛大牛 2008-6-13 04:16 10429452 gongyuan1028 2014-4-12 21:46
[Packers] eXPressor1.8汉化版 attachment

冷月孤心2010-2-2 09:06

冷月孤心 2010-2-2 09:06 4715389 吾爱丶小末 2014-4-12 20:53
[Patchers] 内存补丁工具 可以给DLL打补丁 看到很多人需要就发出来了 attachment recommend

avkk2011-3-23 19:46

avkk 2011-3-23 19:46 9924694 zhjb0330 2014-4-12 13:26
[Debuggers] WKTVBDebugger绿色汉化版 attachment recommend

小生我怕怕2010-5-17 22:54

小生我怕怕 论坛大牛 2010-5-17 22:54 7725395 yanyuyao 2014-4-11 19:50
[Unpackers] ASProtect unpacker by PE_Kill attach_img

Hmily2011-6-19 02:29

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-6-19 02:29 5220007 sady520 2014-4-10 21:28
[Other] FlashDemo Studio 2.28Crack In Chinese [52pojie] attach_img recommend agree

Sound2012-6-22 21:11

Sound 论坛大牛吾是土豪 2012-6-22 21:11 6018527 ajm3 2014-4-10 09:30
[.NET] NET程序混淆工具 反ILDASM attach_img agree

cmc54102013-1-6 20:18

cmc5410 论坛大牛原创精英 2013-1-6 20:18 1410612 flydoos 2014-4-9 21:23
[Patchers] 【源码】程序补丁制作工具 开源 attach_img recommend agree

a89872162011-5-12 21:35

a8987216 2011-5-12 21:35 17930983 877272792 2014-4-8 19:02
[Other] CmpDisasm v0.81 【原版破解版反汇编代码对比工具】 attach_img agree

wjl2013-7-25 23:00

wjl 2013-7-25 23:00 2011413 优雅二进制 2014-4-6 19:28
[Scripts] 飓风视频加密自动解包脚本【自动找解包入口】 attach_img agree

heiketian102010-12-17 17:43

heiketian10 2010-12-17 17:43 14231420 hunterhb 2014-4-5 18:10
[Packers] Armadillo Professional v7.00.0081 Professional Custom Build keygen and patch attachment agree

hxsoft2009-12-18 08:56

hxsoft 2009-12-18 08:56 188416 deng000 2014-4-5 09:23
[Packers] EncryptPE V2.2011.5.18【转】

xJ_Juno_Jr2011-7-7 03:02

xJ_Juno_Jr 2011-7-7 03:02 119503 zhongxin 2014-4-4 13:35
[Unpackers] Exe2Aut(它的主要功能是将exe程序反编译成au3源文件等) v3 attachment

Hmily2009-10-19 00:52

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-10-19 00:52 4916539 zxiao 2014-4-3 00:05
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