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『逆向资源区』 今日: 42 |主题: 5024|排名: 10 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[PEtools] Stud_PE汉化版 attachment

mycsy2008-3-19 13:15

mycsy 2008-3-19 13:15 36144 hongyang 2013-1-6 14:51
[Patchers] Xpatcher v1.0 汉化版 attach_img agree

sdzzb2012-10-6 09:46

sdzzb 2012-10-6 09:46 105505 zc278006220 2013-1-6 01:51
[IDA Plugin] PatchDiff 2.0.9 attachment

Hmily2011-1-31 17:09

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-1-31 17:09 15672 matao5168 2013-1-5 21:10
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] Multiline Ultimate Assembler v2.1.Plugin for OllyDbg and Immunity Debuggerhtt attachment agree

bambooqj2012-11-3 09:49

bambooqj 2012-11-3 09:49 64508 wanwanle 2013-1-4 15:58
[Other] 一款小工具access密码破解器 attachment recommend

hao36422702010-5-7 17:10

hao3642270 2010-5-7 17:10 57332 sa16333 2013-1-4 15:39
[Unpackers] Universal Extractor v1.6.1.63 Unofficial Build

Hmily2012-12-25 13:31

Hmily 论坛大牛 2012-12-25 13:31 64419 没招了 2013-1-3 23:04
[Unpackers] MultiExtractor Pro v3.1.0 attach_img agree

风吹屁屁凉2012-12-29 21:38

风吹屁屁凉 2012-12-29 21:38 511392 syfsong 2013-1-2 18:39
[PEtools] 删除 recommend agree

zaas2012-12-31 23:25

zaas 论坛大牛原创精英 2012-12-31 23:25 83314 NikolayD 2013-1-2 14:42
[Other] dUP2 皮肤 RealSimple attach_img agree

oumaizi2011-2-7 20:25

oumaizi 2011-2-7 20:25 84776 onlytest 2012-12-31 20:06
[Other] C语言解释和编译器 attachment

Hmily2010-2-20 10:26

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-2-20 10:26 168401 小y 2012-12-30 21:29
[Other] XRipper v0.6 Ultimate attach_img

Hmily2010-12-13 17:21

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-12-13 17:21 55171 bambooqj 2012-12-30 17:14
[Disassemblers] AutoIt CodeRecord 0.1 attachment

Hmily2009-10-19 00:59

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-10-19 00:59 2410134 zcx880517 2012-12-27 21:18
[Patchers] LAG Loader Generater 1.3 attachment

Hmily2008-10-5 18:51

Hmily 论坛大牛 2008-10-5 18:51 3912717 xie83544109 2012-12-25 11:35
[Packers] VMP 1.74 attachment

韵味2011-6-20 22:47

韵味 2011-6-20 22:47 176206 somylr 2012-12-25 11:08
[Other] Windows Internals: Including Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, 5th Edition attachment

Hmily2009-11-16 15:33

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-11-16 15:33 34391 bonkers123 2012-12-24 23:03
[Packers] Private exe Protector v3.1.0 News attachment

Hmily2009-10-19 13:36

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-10-19 13:36 24171 l72583662 2012-12-21 21:33
[Scripts] Acpr1.41-2.0_unpacker全自动脱壳 attachment

mycsy2009-8-9 01:18

mycsy 2009-8-9 01:18 76350 by小轩 2012-12-21 19:02
[Debuggers] Syser Debugger 1.99.1900.1213 Release+KeyGen attachment recommend

Hmily2011-3-31 15:07

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-3-31 15:07 2311821 yuan71058 2012-12-19 21:40
[Patchers] diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher [dUP] 2.26 BETA 7 attachment

风吹屁屁凉2012-3-5 16:58

风吹屁屁凉 2012-3-5 16:58 23869 x466473025 2012-12-19 19:11
[Packers] The Enigma Protector 3.6 attach_img

Small_Google2012-3-4 22:21

Small_Google 2012-3-4 22:21 2311145 x466473025 2012-12-19 17:52
[.NET] de4dot - Deobfuscator for .NET

Hmily2011-9-22 18:58

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-9-22 18:58 36194 忘了时间的钟 2012-12-17 00:37
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] VMSweeper.v1.5.Beta.0 [Released: 12-Apr-2012] attachment agree

boycott20112012-4-16 15:54

boycott2011 2012-4-16 15:54 46209 caxfan 2012-12-15 23:12
[.NET] Reflector (含两个常用插件) attachment recommend

mycsy2009-6-9 14:25

mycsy 2009-6-9 14:25 228322 田田123456 2012-12-14 11:00
[PEtools] Universal.Import.Fixer(UIF).V1.2(FINAL).by.Magic_h2001[20081231] attachment agree

Hmily2009-2-6 00:09

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-2-6 00:09 116360 花晨-汇天 2012-12-13 01:16
[IDA Plugin] ida5.5设置被该后按F5无法显示c源码 attach_img

zz01472012-6-26 16:01

zz0147 2012-6-26 16:01 411094 liufei2081 2012-12-12 22:26
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] [转帖] [UPK]OllyDBG 数据转换和反汇编代码插件 2011-12-22更新 attachment

sdzzb2011-12-22 20:19

sdzzb 2011-12-22 20:19 137409 by.菜菜 2012-12-11 16:04
[Packers] PESpin.v1.33.UnPacKed汉化版 attach_img

TheCjw2011-5-4 18:29

TheCjw 论坛大牛 2011-5-4 18:29 6021957 淡然出尘 2012-12-11 15:08
[PEtools] Imports Fixer v1.6最新汉化版 attach_img agree

sougou20092011-2-7 19:29

sougou2009 2011-2-7 19:29 217267 灵光丶Fiycix 2012-12-10 19:17
[Debuggers] Syser Kernel Debugger v1.99.1900.1214 Retail + Keygen

Hmily2011-4-19 11:01

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-4-19 11:01 66037 小煮煮 2012-12-9 20:36
[Packers] PE_Admin[20090719]-免费全功能版

popsky2009-7-20 01:15

popsky 2009-7-20 01:15 45055 KSPprince 2012-12-9 14:04
[Patchers] 发一个半宿做出来破解补丁 (未完善的现在仅支持修改另个指令) attachment agree

吾爱丶小末2012-12-7 05:24

吾爱丶小末 2012-12-7 05:24 104704 yyjpcx 2012-12-7 22:32
[Other] mRelease Builder by DonDD attach_img

Hmily2012-12-6 19:38

Hmily 论坛大牛 2012-12-6 19:38 53950 1354669803 2012-12-7 12:40
[Packers] Themida/WinLicense [] (09-Mar-2011)

Hmily2011-3-11 02:26

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-3-11 02:26 78032 luchuan 2012-12-4 15:21
[PEtools] Scylla Imports Reconstruction 0.8 汉化正式版 attach_img

sxssl2012-12-2 22:43

sxssl 2012-12-2 22:43 33039 jolly_800 2012-12-3 09:50
[Debuggers] ollydbg V2.01 alpha4汉化版

蓝冰80232012-11-26 17:05

蓝冰8023 2012-11-26 17:05 33953 Hmily 2012-12-2 18:03
[Packers] Armadillo v9.20 Public Build Patch Serial

52jcw2012-12-1 21:17

52jcw 2012-12-1 21:17 03656 52jcw 2012-12-1 21:17
[Debuggers] 分享一个OD 風戀版OllyDBG attach_img recommend agree

軒雲閣2012-11-30 11:12

軒雲閣 2012-11-30 11:12 713074 yiwai2012 2012-12-1 12:14
[Disassemblers] VB.Decompiler.Pro.7.7.RETAIL.Incl.KEYGEN-FFF attachment

Hmily2010-1-9 16:37

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-1-9 16:37 96872 hxf618 2012-11-30 20:53
[Other] Sh4DoVV Armadillo Loader Creator ( HWID Changer ) attachment

Hmily2009-7-28 13:35

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-7-28 13:35 56255 52jcw 2012-11-30 14:31
[Debuggers] NoLoVeR 新修改版PUBLIC... attachment digest recommend agree

微笑一刀2009-4-25 22:06

微笑一刀 2009-4-25 22:06 9425919 tonghuangxx 2012-11-30 10:58
[.NET] Manco.NET.Obfuscator. attachment

lkou2011-5-22 12:47

lkou 论坛大牛原创精英 2011-5-22 12:47 13818 chen4490 2012-11-29 22:03
[.NET] Red.Gate.Dot.Net.Developer.Bundle.v1.8.2.238.build.203.Incl.Keygen-Lz0

风吹屁屁凉2012-9-19 17:49

风吹屁屁凉 2012-9-19 17:49 14724 weberypf 2012-11-28 18:13
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ODbgScript v1.78.3 attachment

Hmily2010-7-15 13:27

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-7-15 13:27 185665 骨灰c 2012-11-27 00:27
[Packers] Winlicense_v2.0.5中文汉化 注册完整版 attachment agree

xingfuman2009-4-11 15:54

xingfuman 2009-4-11 15:54 22336949 zjmmlove 2012-11-26 11:44
[Packers] Free UPX 1.4 汉化版 9/20修正 attach_img agree

cntrump2010-9-17 14:08

cntrump 原创精英 2010-9-17 14:08 227730 mfklwfnh 2012-11-25 13:03
[Disassemblers] C4Decompiler - A Machine Code Decompiler

Hmily2012-11-24 17:31

Hmily 论坛大牛 2012-11-24 17:31 14206 1354669803 2012-11-24 17:39
[PEtools] ImportREC 1.7……DIY版 attachment

756331862009-1-9 17:29

75633186 2009-1-9 17:29 198436 nihaien 2012-11-23 19:08
[Other] kerberos1.13 attachment

xiaobai2010-7-19 16:15

xiaobai 2010-7-19 16:15 126366 jimshicard 2012-11-21 23:43
[PEtools] API Monitor自用汉化版 attach_img recommend agree

lucaslzx2012-8-1 23:18

lucaslzx 2012-8-1 23:18 98309 花渐欲 2012-11-21 20:26
[Debuggers] OllyDbg 2.0.1 update 4x

Hmily2012-11-20 12:15

Hmily 论坛大牛 2012-11-20 12:15 94839 长风at成都 2012-11-21 03:24
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