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『逆向资源区』 今日: 42 |主题: 5024|排名: 10 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Patchers] DUP 2.19 DIY 无聊版[第2版] attachment

KuNgBiM2009-5-16 09:39

KuNgBiM 原创精英 2009-5-16 09:39 217336 nlsh 2013-2-4 15:39
[Disassemblers] Jakstab decompiler

风吹屁屁凉2013-2-3 01:09

风吹屁屁凉 2013-2-3 01:09 03949 风吹屁屁凉 2013-2-3 01:09
[PEtools] REPT File Compare 0.93 attachment

风吹屁屁凉2012-3-28 18:30

风吹屁屁凉 2012-3-28 18:30 24030 风吹屁屁凉 2013-2-3 01:03
[Editors] WinHex 16.8 SR-9 attachment

风吹屁屁凉2013-2-3 00:51

风吹屁屁凉 2013-2-3 00:51 14256 1354669803 2013-2-3 00:53
[Other] RADASM2.2.1.8 汉化增强版( attachment

Hmily2009-10-20 14:18

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-10-20 14:18 76622 ddxxjj 2013-2-2 08:50
[Other] 删除UDD批处理 attachment

yyz2192012-6-18 08:36

yyz219 2012-6-18 08:36 63821 孩子气 2013-2-1 20:59
[Packers] The Enigma Protector Version 2.50

Hmily2011-3-30 12:56

Hmily 论坛大牛 2011-3-30 12:56 67418 xtayaitak 2013-1-31 23:33
[PEtools] 【原创】 反汇编代码格式化工具 1.1 attach_img agree

h29955212012-3-17 19:21

h2995521 2012-3-17 19:21 288323 暗夜∮孤星 2013-1-31 05:44
[Network Analyzer] HTTP.Debugger.Pro.v4.2.Incl.Keygen-Lz0 attachment

Hmily2010-8-3 17:46

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-8-3 17:46 24583 枫泪了无痕 2013-1-30 22:47
[Other] Joker italy - Full MUP + pack & unpack attachment

Hmily2010-2-21 19:11

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-2-21 19:11 65984 cxj98 2013-1-30 19:38
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OllySND and DeFixed PluGins patcher [2012-03-03更新] attach_img recommend agree

sdzzb2011-6-18 23:38

sdzzb 2011-6-18 23:38 77153 Rookietp 2013-1-30 11:51
[Scripts] Themida & Winlicense patch key script attachment digest agree

starfall2009-12-31 18:37

starfall 2009-12-31 18:37 7928470 繁花似锦 2013-1-28 21:56
[Other] 易微客破解工具ver1.5 SP1 attach_img agree

拓海真一2012-10-4 00:27

拓海真一 2012-10-4 00:27 106361 7461807 2013-1-25 17:59
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ClearUDD - OD 1.10 清理插件 by cntrump attach_img agree

cntrump2011-8-12 13:53

cntrump 原创精英 2011-8-12 13:53 85372 360522561 2013-1-24 23:11
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OD插件(反汇编用)

wgz0012008-12-16 12:14

wgz001 2008-12-16 12:14 66653 360522561 2013-1-24 23:09
[PEtools] Scylla 0.6 Beta3 Bamboo丶QJ 汉化版本 attach_img digest recommend agree

bambooqj2012-4-2 19:03

bambooqj 2012-4-2 19:03 6715545 JeeChou 2013-1-24 10:59
[Unpackers] GeTaOEP_2_0_beta_5 attach_img

风吹屁屁凉2013-1-21 18:35

风吹屁屁凉 2013-1-21 18:35 33588 bambooqj 2013-1-21 20:59
[Editors] X-Ways WinHEX v15.4 release attachment

Hmily2009-8-2 01:10

Hmily 论坛大牛 2009-8-2 01:10 44530 gujifly 2013-1-19 02:00
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ILLY Olly-Plugin for dealing with .NET assemblies attachment

Hmily2008-4-29 12:52

Hmily 论坛大牛 2008-4-29 12:52 66164 jovian007 2013-1-18 11:29
[Packers] Enigma Virtual Box 6.10 Build 20130109 虚拟文件打包工具(中文版+英文版)汉化教程 attach_img

beyondlxh2013-1-10 23:22

beyondlxh 2013-1-10 23:22 44885 Anew 2013-1-17 11:36
[Disassemblers] Hopper.Disassembler.v2.6.0.MacOSX.Cracked-CORE

风吹屁屁凉2012-11-6 15:49

风吹屁屁凉 2012-11-6 15:49 25235 Hmily 2013-1-15 14:17
E-Code by cektop V1.0 attachment

Hmily2010-2-11 22:17

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-2-11 22:17 258555 hzh4k 2013-1-13 19:26
[Other] 【整理】新手必备工具武器大全

xq8110282008-10-30 13:34

xq811028 2008-10-30 13:34 5014908 tlm007 2013-1-12 19:21
[PEtools] PEiD 0.95全插件版--汉化by:漏网之鱼 attachment

ohyeah5212008-10-29 09:23

ohyeah521 2008-10-29 09:23 2712744 21367245 2013-1-12 09:42
[Other] 注册机音乐17首!!!精品!! attach_img

h29955272011-5-24 20:39

h2995527 2011-5-24 20:39 6814085 syfsong 2013-1-11 21:06
[.NET] ModuleToAssembly 1.0 attachment

风吹屁屁凉2013-1-10 21:00

风吹屁屁凉 2013-1-10 21:00 24510 jun2002939 2013-1-11 10:15
[Debuggers] Immunity Debugger.v1.84 attach_img

风吹屁屁凉2011-12-14 15:27

风吹屁屁凉 2011-12-14 15:27 89573 jingdor 2013-1-10 14:00
[.NET] Red.Gate.NET.Reflector. attachment recommend

lkou2011-5-22 12:39

lkou 论坛大牛原创精英 2011-5-22 12:39 147539 duanjia0912 2013-1-10 10:38
[Editors] Registry Workshop v4.6.1 attach_img agree

Hmily2013-1-9 15:11

Hmily 论坛大牛 2013-1-9 15:11 22938 没文化真可怕丶 2013-1-9 22:41
[Disassemblers] E2A2脱壳加速版 attachment agree

sdzzb2012-12-16 18:39

sdzzb 2012-12-16 18:39 175551 wgh0736 2013-1-9 17:08
[Packers] BoxedApp Packer v3.2.3.1 Cracked.by.yoza[UpK] attach_img agree

xingyuwan2013-1-8 18:23

xingyuwan 2013-1-8 18:23 14214 sjg8 2013-1-9 16:01
[Packers] 加壳工具包----黑基vip(内部偷出来的) recommend

uzcool2008-10-9 20:53

uzcool 2008-10-9 20:53 6518405 258239234 2013-1-9 14:24
[PEtools] Imports Fixer 1.5a (Public Beta) attachment

Hmily2010-8-26 18:59

Hmily 论坛大牛 2010-8-26 18:59 115458 wanwanle 2013-1-8 19:07
[Packers] The.Enigma.Protector.v2.70.20110629.En.Retail.Installer.Only.pushxor

lkou2011-6-30 08:59

lkou 论坛大牛原创精英 2011-6-30 08:59 166418 km55308 2013-1-7 16:32
[Other] Tuts 4 You - Collection 2011自己做的种子 attach_img agree

ghc002592013-1-7 15:07

ghc00259 2013-1-7 15:07 14208 ghc00259 2013-1-7 15:08
[PEtools] Basic PE Explorer (v1.0 BETA) attach_img recommend agree

cmc54102013-1-6 19:49

cmc5410 论坛大牛原创精英 2013-1-6 19:49 43874 1354669803 2013-1-7 13:20
[PEtools] Export Table Tester attach_img

风吹屁屁凉2013-1-6 13:03

风吹屁屁凉 2013-1-6 13:03 33510 ldning 2013-1-7 12:49
[.NET] NET破解工具SimpleAssemblyExplorer attachment recommend

5506765032010-8-10 21:20

550676503 2010-8-10 21:20 4419987 djxjg 2013-1-6 19:34
[.NET] Reflector5.12 + 修改过的Reflector.FileDisassembler attachment

mycsy2008-12-26 20:16

mycsy 2008-12-26 20:16 249003 djxjg 2013-1-6 18:27
[PEtools] LordPE DLX增强版 attachment recommend

zzage2008-3-13 21:16

zzage 论坛大牛 2008-3-13 21:16 4218401 hongyang 2013-1-6 16:26
[Disassemblers] W32Dasm v10.0 汉化修改版 attachment recommend

A-new2008-3-13 23:24

A-new 论坛大牛 2008-3-13 23:24 4216536 hongyang 2013-1-6 16:07
[Disassemblers] HiEW V7.26 attachment

A-new2008-3-14 09:24

A-new 论坛大牛 2008-3-14 09:24 85908 hongyang 2013-1-6 16:05
[PEtools] eXeScope v6.5 agree

A-new2008-3-14 09:43

A-new 论坛大牛 2008-3-14 09:43 810830 hongyang 2013-1-6 15:59
[Disassemblers] C32Asm v0.4.12 attachment

A-new2008-3-19 12:31

A-new 论坛大牛 2008-3-19 12:31 67265 hongyang 2013-1-6 15:57
[Other] 转发两个个PEID userdb. attachment

139user2008-3-15 00:20

139user 2008-3-15 00:20 2811646 hongyang 2013-1-6 15:54
[Cryptography] ★★★密码学综合工具 Ver 2.0 正式版 PYG发布!★★★ attachment

fengchen2008-3-14 00:16

fengchen 2008-3-14 00:16 3014710 hongyang 2013-1-6 15:21
[PEtools] PEditor1.7汉化修改版 attachment

A-new2008-3-14 09:12

A-new 论坛大牛 2008-3-14 09:12 199998 hongyang 2013-1-6 15:00
[PEtools] PE Tools v1.5.800汉化版 attachment

A-new2008-3-14 09:18

A-new 论坛大牛 2008-3-14 09:18 2110691 hongyang 2013-1-6 14:58
[Disassemblers] 改造HIEW 6.81 attachment

mycsy2008-3-18 12:45

mycsy 2008-3-18 12:45 55340 hongyang 2013-1-6 14:56
[Packers] UPX  Shell attachment

hp22332008-3-19 09:47

hp2233 2008-3-19 09:47 116518 hongyang 2013-1-6 14:53
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